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Commit e81e30af authored by Martin Bauer's avatar Martin Bauer
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started restructuring , notebook to pyphasefield

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import collections
import sympy as sp
from lbmpy.generator import Field
def __upDownTuples(d, dim):
coord = [0] * dim
coord[d] = 1
up = tuple(coord)
coord[d] = -1
down = tuple(coord)
return up, down
def grad(var, dim=3):
"""Gradients are represented as a special symbol:
e.g. :math:`\nabla x = (x^\Delta^0, x^\Delta^1, x^\Delta^2)`
This function takes a symbol and creates the gradient symbols according to convention above
:param var: symbol to take the gradient of
:param dim: dimension (length) of the gradient vector
if hasattr(var, "__getitem__"):
return [[sp.Symbol("%s^Delta^%d" % (, i)) for v in var] for i in range(dim)]
return [sp.Symbol("%s^Delta^%d" % (, i)) for i in range(dim)]
def discretizeCenter(term, symbols, field, dx, dim=3):
Expects term that contains given symbols and gradient components of these symbols and replaces them
by field accesses. Gradients are replaced centralized approximations: (upper neighbor - lower neighbor ) / ( 2*dx).
:param term: term where symbols and gradient(symbol) should be replaced
:param symbols: these symbols and their gradients are replaced by field accesses
:param field: field containing the discrete values for symbols
:param dx: width and height of one cell
:param dim: dimension
>>> x = sp.Symbol("x")
>>> gradx = grad(x, dim=3)
>>> term = x * gradx[0]
>>> term
>>> f = Field.createGeneric('f', spatialDimensions=3)
>>> discretizeCenter(term, symbols=x, field=f, dx=1, dim=3)
f_C*(f_E/2 - f_W/2)
if not hasattr(symbols, "__getitem__"):
symbols = [symbols]
g = grad(symbols, dim)
substitutions = {symbol: field(i) for i, symbol in enumerate(symbols)}
for d in range(dim):
up, down = __upDownTuples(d, dim)
substitutions.update({g[d][i]: (field[up](i) - field[down](i)) / dx / 2 for i in range(len(symbols))})
return term.subs(substitutions)
def discretizeStaggered(term, symbols, field, coordinate, offset, dx, dim=3):
Expects term that contains given symbols and gradient components of these symbols and replaces them
by field accesses. Gradients in coordinate direction are replaced by staggered version at cell boundary.
Symbols themselves are replaced by interpolated version at boundary.
:param term: input term where symbols and gradients are replaced
:param symbols: these symbols and their gradient in coordinate direction is replaced
:param field: field containing the discrete values for symbols
:param coordinate: id for coordinate (0 for x, 1 for y, ... ) defining cell boundary.
Only gradients in this direction are replaced e.g. if symbol^Delta^coordinate
:param offset: either +1 or -1 for upper or lower face in coordinate direction
:param dx: width and height of one cell
:param dim: dimension
Example: Discretizing at right/east face of cell i.e. coordinate=0, offset=1)
>>> x, dx = sp.symbols("x dx")
>>> gradx = grad(x, dim=3)
>>> term = x * gradx[0]
>>> term
>>> f = Field.createGeneric('f', spatialDimensions=3)
>>> discretizeStaggered(term, symbols=x, field=f, dx=dx, coordinate=0, offset=1, dim=3)
(-f_C + f_E)*(f_C/2 + f_E/2)/dx
assert offset == 1 or offset == -1
assert 0 <= coordinate < dim
if not isinstance(symbols, collections.Sequence):
symbols = [symbols]
offsetTuple = [0] * dim
offsetTuple[coordinate] = offset
offsetTuple = tuple(offsetTuple)
gradient = grad(symbols)[coordinate]
substitutions = {s: (field[offsetTuple](i) + field(i)) / 2 for i, s in enumerate(symbols)}
substitutions.update({g: (field[offsetTuple](i) - field(i)) / dx * offset for i, g in enumerate(gradient)})
return term.subs(substitutions)
def discretizeDivergence(vectorTerm, symbols, field, dx):
Computes discrete divergence of symbolic vector
:param vectorTerm: sequence of terms, interpreted as vector
:param symbols: these symbols and their gradient in coordinate direction is replaced
:param field: field containing the discrete values for symbols
Example: Laplace stencil
>>> x, dx = sp.symbols("x dx")
>>> gradx = grad(x, dim=3)
>>> f = Field.createGeneric('f', spatialDimensions=3)
>>> sp.simplify(discretizeDivergence(gradx, x, f, dx))
(f_B - 6*f_C + f_E + f_N + f_S + f_T + f_W)/dx
dim = len(vectorTerm)
result = 0
for d in range(dim):
for offset in [-1, 1]:
result += offset * discretizeStaggered(vectorTerm[d], symbols, field, d, offset, dx, dim)
return result
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