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Commit 7a154d8f authored by Sebastian Eibl's avatar Sebastian Eibl
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added first pe tutorial

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// This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <>.
//! \file 01_ConfinedGas.cpp
//! \author Sebastian Eibl <>
//! [Includes]
#include <pe/basic.h>
#include <core/Environment.h>
#include <core/grid_generator/HCPIterator.h>
#include <core/grid_generator/SCIterator.h>
#include <core/logging/Logging.h>
//! [Includes]
using namespace walberla;
using namespace walberla::pe;
//! [BodyTypeTuple]
typedef boost::tuple<Sphere, Plane> BodyTypeTuple ;
//! [BodyTypeTuple]
int main( int argc, char ** argv )
//! [Parameters]
Environment env(argc, argv);
math::seedRandomGenerator( static_cast<unsigned int>(1337 * mpi::MPIManager::instance()->worldRank()) );
real_t spacing = real_c(1.0);
real_t radius = real_c(0.4);
real_t vMax = real_c(1.0);
int simulationSteps = 200;
real_t dt = real_c(0.01);
//! [Parameters]
//! [GlobalBodyStorage]
shared_ptr<BodyStorage> globalBodyStorage = make_shared<BodyStorage>();
//! [GlobalBodyStorage]
// create forest
//! [BlockForest]
shared_ptr< BlockForest > forest = createBlockForest( AABB(0,0,0,20,20,20), // simulation domain
Vector3<uint_t>(1,1,1), // blocks in each direction
Vector3<bool>(false, false, false) // periodicity
//! [BlockForest]
if (!forest)
WALBERLA_LOG_INFO( "No BlockForest created ... exiting!");
// add block data
//! [StorageDataHandling]
auto storageID = forest->addBlockData(createStorageDataHandling<BodyTypeTuple>(), "Storage");
//! [StorageDataHandling]
//! [AdditionalBlockData]
auto ccdID = forest->addBlockData(ccd::createHashGridsDataHandling( globalBodyStorage, storageID ), "CCD");
auto fcdID = forest->addBlockData(fcd::createSimpleFCDDataHandling<BodyTypeTuple>(), "FCD");
//! [AdditionalBlockData]
//! [Integrator]
cr::HCSITS cr(globalBodyStorage, forest, storageID, ccdID, fcdID);
cr.setMaxIterations( 10 );
cr.setRelaxationModel( cr::HardContactSemiImplicitTimesteppingSolvers::ApproximateInelasticCoulombContactByDecoupling );
cr.setRelaxationParameter( real_t(0.7) );
cr.setGlobalLinearAcceleration( Vec3(0,0,0) );
//! [Integrator]
WALBERLA_LOG_INFO("*** BodyTypeTuple ***");
// initialize body type ids
//! [SetBodyTypeIDs]
//! [SetBodyTypeIDs]
//! [Material]
const real_t static_cof ( real_c(0.1) / 2 ); // Coefficient of static friction. Note: pe doubles the input coefficient of friction for material-material contacts.
const real_t dynamic_cof ( static_cof ); // Coefficient of dynamic friction. Similar to static friction for low speed friction.
MaterialID material = createMaterial( "granular", real_t( 1.0 ), 0, static_cof, dynamic_cof, real_t( 0.5 ), 1, 1, 0, 0 );
//! [Material]
auto simulationDomain = forest->getDomain();
auto generationDomain = simulationDomain; // simulationDomain.getExtended(-real_c(0.5) * spacing);
//! [Planes]
createPlane(*globalBodyStorage, 0, Vec3(1,0,0), simulationDomain.minCorner(), material );
createPlane(*globalBodyStorage, 0, Vec3(-1,0,0), simulationDomain.maxCorner(), material );
createPlane(*globalBodyStorage, 0, Vec3(0,1,0), simulationDomain.minCorner(), material );
createPlane(*globalBodyStorage, 0, Vec3(0,-1,0), simulationDomain.maxCorner(), material );
createPlane(*globalBodyStorage, 0, Vec3(0,0,1), simulationDomain.minCorner(), material );
createPlane(*globalBodyStorage, 0, Vec3(0,0,-1), simulationDomain.maxCorner(), material );
//! [Planes]
//! [Gas]
uint_t numParticles = uint_c(0);
for (auto blkIt = forest->begin(); blkIt != forest->end(); ++blkIt)
IBlock & currentBlock = *blkIt;
for (auto it = grid_generator::SCIterator(currentBlock.getAABB().getIntersection(generationDomain), Vector3<real_t>(spacing, spacing, spacing) * real_c(0.5), spacing); it != grid_generator::SCIterator(); ++it)
SphereID sp = createSphere( *globalBodyStorage, *forest, storageID, 0, *it, radius, material);
Vec3 rndVel(math::realRandom<real_t>(-vMax, vMax), math::realRandom<real_t>(-vMax, vMax), math::realRandom<real_t>(-vMax, vMax));
if (sp != NULL) sp->setLinearVel(rndVel);
if (sp != NULL) ++numParticles;
WALBERLA_LOG_INFO("#particles created: " << numParticles);
//! [Gas]
//! [GameLoop]
for (int i=0; i < simulationSteps; ++i)
if( i % 10 == 0 )
WALBERLA_LOG_DEVEL( "Timestep " << i << " / " << simulationSteps );
cr.timestep( real_c(dt) );
//! [GameLoop]
//! [PostProcessing]
Vec3 meanVelocity(0,0,0);
for (auto blockIt = forest->begin(); blockIt != forest->end(); ++blockIt)
for (auto bodyIt = LocalBodyIterator::begin(*blockIt, storageID); bodyIt != LocalBodyIterator::end(); ++bodyIt)
meanVelocity += bodyIt->getLinearVel();
meanVelocity /= numParticles;
WALBERLA_LOG_INFO( "mean velocity: " << meanVelocity );
//! [PostProcessing]
namespace walberla {
namespace pe {
\page tutorial_pe_01 Tutorial - Confined Gas: Setting up a simple pe simulation
This tutorial will help you to setup up a simple pe simulation. The scenario for this tutorial a is particle
gas (spheres) confined by solid walls.
For this tutorial only a few includes are needed, namely:
\snippet 01_ConfinedGas.cpp Includes
The first important step is to define a BodyTuple. This tuple stores all body types which will be used
during the simulation. This tuple helps to generate all the functions which need to be specialized for
a particular body type.
\attention If you miss a body type the behaviour of the simulation is undefined. Most probably there will be an error.
\snippet 01_ConfinedGas.cpp BodyTypeTuple
Next the waLBerla environment is initalized, the random number generator is seeded and some simulation parameters are set.
\snippet 01_ConfinedGas.cpp Parameters
The BlockForest is the main datastructure in the waLBerla framework. It is responsible for the domain decomposition and
holds all the blocks with their data. For more information about the general design of the waLBerla framework please refer
to \ref tutorial_basics_01 and the documentation of domain_decomposition::BlockStorage. For this tutorial the number of blocks
in each direction is fixed to 1 and has to stay like that. In tutorial 2 we will talk about using more than one block and
\snippet 01_ConfinedGas.cpp BlockForest
There are two types of storages to store particle information. One is the global body storage which is responsible for very
large particles. These particles are stored on all processes.
\snippet 01_ConfinedGas.cpp GlobalBodyStorage
The other one is a block local storage for all bodies which are located within the subdomain of a block. You can find more
information about this concept of data on blocks in \ref tutorial_basics_01.
\snippet 01_ConfinedGas.cpp StorageDataHandling
In addition to the block local storage also the coarse as well as the fine collision detection needs storage on each block.
Therefore the corresponding data handling has to be registered.
\snippet 01_ConfinedGas.cpp AdditionalBlockData
Only one final component is missing for a successfull simulation - the time integrator. Currently there exists two
integrators cr::DEM for soft contacts and cr::HCSITS for hard contacts. These have to be setup as local objects.
\snippet 01_ConfinedGas.cpp Integrator
We now have all our tools together and can start creating the simulation. First we have to specify the material parameters
we want to use.
\snippet 01_ConfinedGas.cpp Material
And we have to initialize all body type ids.
\snippet 01_ConfinedGas.cpp SetBodyTypeIDs
Then we can set up the confining walls.
\snippet 01_ConfinedGas.cpp Planes
The gas particles are generated with the help of grid generators. These generators are iterators which facilitate the
construction of particles on a regular grid. Currently grid_generator::SCIterator (for a simple cubic lattice) as well
as grid_generator::HCPIterator (for a hexagonal close packing lattice) are supported. The spheres are create with createSphere
which returns a SphereID of the created sphere. This SphereID acts like a pointer to Sphere and can be used like that.
If for various reasons the sphere was not created the return value is NULL.
\attention Before accessing the underlying sphere you should always check for NULL!
\snippet 01_ConfinedGas.cpp Gas
Since the setup is finished now we can run the simulation loop. The simulation loop is as simple as:
\snippet 01_ConfinedGas.cpp GameLoop
After the simulation is finished we can collect the results. In this case we only calculate the mean velocity of all particles.
The particles can be easily accessed via the LocalBodyIterator. This iterator allows us to iterate through all particles and
access their properties.
\snippet 01_ConfinedGas.cpp PostProcessing
Congratulation! You successfully created your first rigid body simulation.
In the next tutorial we will look at possible extensions which can make your live easier as well as how to run parallel simulations.
waLBerla_link_files_to_builddir( *.cfg )
waLBerla_add_executable ( NAME 01_Tutorial_ConfinedGas
FILES 01_ConfinedGas.cpp
DEPENDS blockforest core pe )
...@@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ all the basic data strcutures and concepts of the framework. ...@@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ all the basic data strcutures and concepts of the framework.
- \ref tutorial_basics_01 \n - \ref tutorial_basics_01 \n
The first tutorial explains the basic data structures of waLBerla and how to setup a simple domain. The first tutorial explains the basic data structures of waLBerla and how to setup a simple domain.
- \ref tutorial_basics_02 \n - \ref tutorial_basics_02 \n
The second tutorial shows how to write algorithms that operate on block data. The second tutorial shows how to write algorithms that operate on block data.
- \ref tutorial_basics_03 \n - \ref tutorial_basics_03 \n
The third tutorial deals with communication, iterating field/grid/lattice data, and geometry setup. The third tutorial deals with communication, iterating field/grid/lattice data, and geometry setup.
\subsection pe Rigid Body Dynamics (pe)
- \ref tutorial_pe_01 \n
\subsection pdes Solving Partial Differential Equations \subsection pdes Solving Partial Differential Equations
...@@ -33,11 +35,6 @@ all the basic data strcutures and concepts of the framework. ...@@ -33,11 +35,6 @@ all the basic data strcutures and concepts of the framework.
- \ref tutorial_lbm01 \n - \ref tutorial_lbm01 \n
A full LBM simulation is built. A full LBM simulation is built.
\section TechDetails Technical Details
- \ref TechDetailsPe \n
Technical Details about the pe physics module.
\section cite Please cite us \section cite Please cite us
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