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Commit 36db604f authored by Markus Holzer's avatar Markus Holzer
Browse files

Merge branch 'pressure_tensor' into 'master'

Added second order moment getter

See merge request !83
parents 036fe134 70a156fc
No related merge requests found
......@@ -84,13 +84,15 @@ class AbstractConservedQuantityComputation(abc.ABC):
class DensityVelocityComputation(AbstractConservedQuantityComputation):
def __init__(self, stencil, compressible, force_model=None,
dim = len(stencil[0])
self._stencil = stencil
self._compressible = compressible
self._forceModel = force_model
self._symbolOrder0 = zeroth_order_moment_symbol
self._symbolsOrder1 = first_order_moment_symbols[:dim]
self._symbolsOrder2 = second_order_moment_symbols[:(dim * dim)]
def conserved_quantities(self):
......@@ -166,7 +168,8 @@ class DensityVelocityComputation(AbstractConservedQuantityComputation):
dim = len(self._stencil[0])
ac = get_equations_for_zeroth_and_first_order_moment(self._stencil, pdfs,
self._symbolOrder0, self._symbolsOrder1)
self._symbolOrder0, self._symbolsOrder1,
if self._compressible:
ac = divide_first_order_moments_by_rho(ac, dim)
......@@ -209,6 +212,7 @@ class DensityVelocityComputation(AbstractConservedQuantityComputation):
mom_density_eq_coll = apply_force_model_shift('macroscopic_momentum_density_shift', dim,
mom_density_eq_coll, self._forceModel, self._compressible)
for sym, val in zip(momentum_density_output_symbols, mom_density_eq_coll.main_assignments[1:]):
main_assignments.append(Assignment(sym, val.rhs))
if 'moment0' in output_quantity_names_to_symbols:
......@@ -222,6 +226,13 @@ class DensityVelocityComputation(AbstractConservedQuantityComputation):
moment1_output_symbol = moment1_output_symbol.center_vector
main_assignments.extend([Assignment(lhs, sum(d[i] * pdf for d, pdf in zip(self._stencil, pdfs)))
for i, lhs in enumerate(moment1_output_symbol)])
if 'moment2' in output_quantity_names_to_symbols:
moment2_output_symbol = output_quantity_names_to_symbols['moment2']
if isinstance(moment2_output_symbol, Field):
moment2_output_symbol = moment2_output_symbol.center_vector
for i, p in enumerate(moment2_output_symbol):
main_assignments.append(Assignment(p, eqs[self._symbolsOrder2[i]]))
del eqs[self._symbolsOrder2[i]]
ac = ac.copy(main_assignments, [Assignment(a, b) for a, b in eqs.items()])
return ac.new_without_unused_subexpressions()
......@@ -233,8 +244,8 @@ class DensityVelocityComputation(AbstractConservedQuantityComputation):
# ----------------------------------------- Helper functions ----------------------------------------------------------
def get_equations_for_zeroth_and_first_order_moment(stencil, symbolic_pdfs,
symbolic_zeroth_moment, symbolic_first_moments):
def get_equations_for_zeroth_and_first_order_moment(stencil, symbolic_pdfs, symbolic_zeroth_moment,
symbolic_first_moments, symbolic_second_moments=None):
Returns an equation system that computes the zeroth and first order moments with the least amount of operations
......@@ -244,12 +255,14 @@ def get_equations_for_zeroth_and_first_order_moment(stencil, symbolic_pdfs,
\rho = \sum_{d \in S} f_d
u_j = \sum_{d \in S} f_d u_jd
p_j = \sum_{d \in S} {d \in S} f_d u_jd
stencil: called :math:`S` above
symbolic_pdfs: called :math:`f` above
symbolic_zeroth_moment: called :math:`\rho` above
symbolic_first_moments: called :math:`u` above
symbolic_second_moments: called :math:`p` above
def filter_out_plus_terms(expr):
result = 0
......@@ -267,6 +280,12 @@ def get_equations_for_zeroth_and_first_order_moment(stencil, symbolic_pdfs,
for i in range(dim):
u[i] += f * int(offset[i])
p = [0] * dim * dim
for f, offset in zip(symbolic_pdfs, stencil):
for i in range(dim):
for j in range(dim):
p[dim * i + j] += f * int(offset[i]) * int(offset[j])
plus_terms = [set(filter_out_plus_terms(u_i).args) for u_i in u]
for i in range(dim):
rhs = plus_terms[i]
......@@ -284,6 +303,8 @@ def get_equations_for_zeroth_and_first_order_moment(stencil, symbolic_pdfs,
equations = []
equations += [Assignment(symbolic_zeroth_moment, pdf_sum)]
equations += [Assignment(u_i_sym, u_i) for u_i_sym, u_i in zip(symbolic_first_moments, u)]
if symbolic_second_moments:
equations += [Assignment(symbolic_second_moments[i], p[i]) for i in range(dim**2)]
return AssignmentCollection(equations, subexpressions)
Test shear flow velocity and pressureagainst analytical solutions
import numpy as np
import pytest
import sympy as sp
import lbmpy
from lbmpy.boundaries import UBB
from lbmpy.boundaries.boundaryhandling import LatticeBoltzmannBoundaryHandling
from lbmpy.creationfunctions import create_lb_update_rule, create_stream_pull_with_output_kernel
from lbmpy.macroscopic_value_kernels import macroscopic_values_setter
from lbmpy.stencils import get_stencil
import pystencils as ps
def shear_flow(x, t, nu, v, h, k_max):
Analytical solution for driven shear flow between two plates.
x : :obj:`float`
Position from the left plane.
t : :obj:`float`
Time since start of the shearing.
nu : :obj:`float`
Kinematic viscosity.
v : :obj:`float`
Shear rate.
h : :obj:`float`
Distance between the plates.
k_max : :obj:`int`
Maximum considered wave number.
:obj:`double` : Analytical velocity
u = x / h - 0.5
for k in np.arange(1, k_max + 1):
u += 1.0 / (np.pi * k) * np.exp(
-4 * np.pi ** 2 * nu * k ** 2 / h ** 2 * t) * np.sin(2 * np.pi / h * k * x)
return -v * u
rho_0 = 2.2 # density
eta = 1.6 # kinematic viscosity
width = 40 # of box
wall_thickness = 2
actual_width = width - wall_thickness # subtract boundary layer from box width
shear_velocity = 0.2 # scale by width to keep stable
t_max = 2000
@pytest.mark.parametrize('target', ('cpu', 'gpu', 'opencl'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stencil_name', ("D2Q9", "D3Q19",))
def test_shear_flow(target, stencil_name):
# OpenCL and Cuda
if target == 'opencl':
import pytest
import pystencils.opencl.autoinit
elif target == 'gpu':
import pytest
# LB parameters
lb_stencil = get_stencil(stencil_name)
dim = len(lb_stencil[0])
if dim == 2:
L = [4, width]
elif dim == 3:
L = [4, width, 4]
raise Exception()
periodicity = [True, False] + [True] * (dim - 2)
omega = lbmpy.relaxationrates.relaxation_rate_from_lattice_viscosity(eta)
# ## Data structures
dh = ps.create_data_handling(L, periodicity=periodicity, default_target=target)
src = dh.add_array('src', values_per_cell=len(lb_stencil))
dst = dh.add_array_like('dst', 'src')
ρ = dh.add_array('rho', latex_name='\\rho')
u = dh.add_array('u', values_per_cell=dh.dim)
p = dh.add_array('p', values_per_cell=dh.dim**2)
# LB Setup
collision = create_lb_update_rule(stencil=lb_stencil,
optimization={'symbolic_field': src})
stream = create_stream_pull_with_output_kernel(collision.method, src, dst, {'velocity': u})
opts = {'cpu_openmp': False,
'cpu_vectorize_info': None,
'target': dh.default_target}
stream_kernel = ps.create_kernel(stream, **opts).compile()
collision_kernel = ps.create_kernel(collision, **opts).compile()
# Boundaries
lbbh = LatticeBoltzmannBoundaryHandling(collision.method, dh,, target=dh.default_target)
# Second moment test setup
cqc = collision.method.conserved_quantity_computation
getter_eqs = cqc.output_equations_from_pdfs(src.center_vector,
{'moment2': p})
kernel_compute_p = ps.create_kernel(getter_eqs, **opts).compile()
# ## Set up the simulation
init = macroscopic_values_setter(collision.method, velocity=(0,) * dh.dim,
pdfs=src.center_vector, density=ρ.center)
init_kernel = ps.create_kernel(init, ghost_layers=0).compile()
vel_vec = sp.Matrix([0.5 * shear_velocity] + [0] * (dim - 1))
if dim == 2:
lbbh.set_boundary(UBB(velocity=vel_vec), ps.make_slice[:, :wall_thickness])
lbbh.set_boundary(UBB(velocity=-vel_vec), ps.make_slice[:, -wall_thickness:])
elif dim == 3:
lbbh.set_boundary(UBB(velocity=vel_vec), ps.make_slice[:, :wall_thickness, :])
lbbh.set_boundary(UBB(velocity=-vel_vec), ps.make_slice[:, -wall_thickness:, :])
raise Exception()
for bh in lbbh, :
assert len(bh._boundary_object_to_boundary_info) == 2, "Restart kernel to clear boundaries"
def init():
dh.fill(ρ.name, rho_0)
dh.fill(, np.nan, ghost_layers=True, inner_ghost_layers=True)
dh.fill(, 0)
sync_pdfs = dh.synchronization_function([])
# Time loop
def time_loop(steps):
for i in range(steps):
if in dh.gpu_arrays:
uu = dh.gather_array(
# average periodic directions
if dim == 3: # dont' swap order
uu = np.average(uu, axis=2)
uu = np.average(uu, axis=0)
if in dh.gpu_arrays:
pp = dh.gather_array(
# average periodic directions
if dim == 3: # dont' swap order
pp = np.average(pp, axis=2)
pp = np.average(pp, axis=0)
# cut off wall regions
uu = uu[wall_thickness:-wall_thickness]
pp = pp[wall_thickness:-wall_thickness]
if(dh.dim == 2):
pp = pp.reshape((len(pp), 2, 2))
if(dh.dim == 3):
pp = pp.reshape((len(pp), 3, 3))
return uu, pp
# Simulation
profile, pressure_profile = time_loop(t_max)
expected = shear_flow(x=(np.arange(0, actual_width) + .5),
nu=eta / rho_0,
if(dh.dim == 2):
shear_direction = np.array((1, 0), dtype=float)
shear_plane_normal = np.array((0, 1), dtype=float)
if(dh.dim == 3):
shear_direction = np.array((1, 0, 0), dtype=float)
shear_plane_normal = np.array((0, 1, 0), dtype=float)
shear_rate = shear_velocity / actual_width
dynamic_viscosity = eta * rho_0
correction_factor = eta / (eta - 1. / 6.)
p_expected = rho_0 * np.identity(dh.dim) / 3.0 + dynamic_viscosity * shear_rate / correction_factor * (
np.outer(shear_plane_normal, shear_direction) + np.transpose(np.outer(shear_plane_normal, shear_direction)))
# Sustract the tensorproduct of the velosity to get the pressure
pressure_profile[:, 0, 0] -= rho_0 * profile[:, 0]**2
np.testing.assert_allclose(profile[:, 0], expected[1:-1], atol=1E-9)
for i in range(actual_width - 2):
np.testing.assert_allclose(pressure_profile[i], p_expected, atol=1E-9, rtol=1E-3)
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