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from .boundaryindexing import AdvancedStreamingBoundaryIndexing
from .boundaryconditions import FlexibleBoundary, FlexibleNoSlip
from .boundaryhandling import FlexibleLBMBoundaryHandling, \
from .communication import get_communication_slices, PeriodicityHandling
from .utility import Timestep, get_accessor
__all__ = ['AdvancedStreamingBoundaryIndexing', 'FlexibleBoundary',
'FlexibleNoSlip', 'create_advanced_streaming_boundary_kernel',
'get_communication_slices', 'PeriodicityHandling',
'Timestep', 'get_accessor']
import pystencils as ps
class FlexibleBoundary:
"""Base class for all boundary classes that use the AdvancedStreamingBoundaryIndexing"""
inner_or_boundary = True
single_link = False
def __init__(self, name=None):
self._name = name
def __call__(self, f_out, f_in, dir_symbol, inv_dir, lb_method, index_field):
This function defines the boundary behavior and must therefore be implemented by all boundaries.
The boundary is defined through a list of sympy equations from which a boundary kernel is generated.
:param f_out: a pystencils field acting as a proxy to access the populations streaming out of the current
cell, i.e. the post-collision PDFs of the previous LBM step
:param f_in: a pystencils field acting as a proxy to access the populations streaming into the current
cell, i.e. the pre-collision PDFs for the next LBM step
:param dir_symbol: a sympy symbol that can be used as an index to f_out and f_in. It describes the direction
pointing from the fluid to the boundary cell.
:param inv_dir: an indexed sympy symbol which describes the inversion of a direction index. It can be used in
the indices of f_out and f_in for retrieving the PDF of the inverse direction.
:param lb_method: an instance of the LB method used. Use this to adapt the boundary to the method
(e.g. compressibility)
:param index_field: the boundary index field that can be used to retrieve and update boundary data
:return: list of pystencils assignments, or pystencils.AssignmentCollection
raise NotImplementedError("Boundary class has to overwrite __call__")
def additional_data(self):
"""Return a list of (name, type) tuples for additional data items required in this boundary
These data items can either be initialized in separate kernel see additional_data_kernel_init or by
Python callbacks - see additional_data_callback """
return []
def additional_data_init_callback(self):
"""Return a callback function called with a boundary data setter object and returning a dict of
data-name to data for each element that should be initialized"""
return None
def additional_code_nodes(self):
"""Return a list of code nodes that will be added in the generated code before the index field loop."""
return []
def name(self):
if self._name:
return self._name
return type(self).__name__
def name(self, new_value):
self._name = new_value
# end class FlexibleBoundary
class FlexibleNoSlip(FlexibleBoundary):
def __init__(self, name=None):
"""Set an optional name here, to mark boundaries, for example for force evaluations"""
super(FlexibleNoSlip, self).__init__(name)
No-Slip, (half-way) simple bounce back boundary condition, enforcing zero velocity at obstacle.
Extended for use with any streaming pattern.
def __call__(self, f_out, f_in, dir_symbol, inv_dir, lb_method, index_field):
return ps.Assignment(f_in(inv_dir[dir_symbol]), f_out(dir_symbol))
def __hash__(self):
return hash(
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, FlexibleNoSlip):
return False
return ==
# end class FlexibleNoSlip
from lbmpy.advanced_streaming.boundaryindexing import AdvancedStreamingBoundaryIndexing
from lbmpy.advanced_streaming.utility import Timestep
from pystencils import Field, Assignment, create_indexed_kernel
from pystencils.boundaries import BoundaryHandling
from pystencils.boundaries.createindexlist import numpy_data_type_for_boundary_object
class FlexibleLBMBoundaryHandling(BoundaryHandling):
Enables boundary handling for LBM simulations with advanced streaming patterns.
For the in-place patterns AA and EsoTwist, two kernels are generated for a boundary
object and the right one selected depending on the time step.
def __init__(self, lb_method, data_handling, pdf_field_name, streaming_pattern='pull',
name="boundary_handling", flag_interface=None, target='cpu', openmp=True):
self._lb_method = lb_method
self._streaming_pattern = streaming_pattern
self._two_fields_kernel = streaming_pattern in ['pull', 'push']
self._prev_timestep = None
super(FlexibleLBMBoundaryHandling, self).__init__(data_handling, pdf_field_name, lb_method.stencil,
name, flag_interface, target, openmp)
# TODO: Force On Boundary
# ------------------------- Overridden methods of pystencils.BoundaryHandling -------------------------
def prev_timestep(self):
return self._prev_timestep
def __call__(self, prev_timestep=Timestep.BOTH, **kwargs):
self._prev_timestep = prev_timestep
super(FlexibleLBMBoundaryHandling, self).__call__(**kwargs)
self._prev_timestep = None
def add_fixed_steps(self, fixed_loop, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError("Adding to fixed loop is not supported by FlexibleLBMBoundaryHandling")
def _add_boundary(self, boundary_obj, flag=None):
if self._two_fields_kernel:
return super(FlexibleLBMBoundaryHandling, self)._add_boundary(boundary_obj, flag)
return self._add_flexible_boundary(boundary_obj, flag)
def _add_flexible_boundary(self, boundary_obj, flag=None):
if boundary_obj not in self._boundary_object_to_boundary_info:
sym_index_field = Field.create_generic('indexField', spatial_dimensions=1,
dtype=numpy_data_type_for_boundary_object(boundary_obj, self.dim))
kernels = [self._create_boundary_kernel(
self._data_handling.fields[self._field_name], sym_index_field, boundary_obj, Timestep.EVEN).compile(),
self._data_handling.fields[self._field_name], sym_index_field, boundary_obj, Timestep.ODD).compile()]
if flag is None:
flag = self.flag_interface.reserve_next_flag()
boundary_info = self.FlexibleBoundaryInfo(self, boundary_obj, flag, kernels)
self._boundary_object_to_boundary_info[boundary_obj] = boundary_info
return self._boundary_object_to_boundary_info[boundary_obj].flag
def _create_boundary_kernel(self, symbolic_field, symbolic_index_field, boundary_obj, prev_timestep=Timestep.BOTH):
return create_advanced_streaming_boundary_kernel(
symbolic_field, symbolic_index_field, self._lb_method, boundary_obj,
prev_timestep=prev_timestep, streaming_pattern=self._streaming_pattern,
target=self._target, openmp=self._openmp)
class FlexibleBoundaryInfo(object):
def kernel(self):
prev_timestep = self._boundary_handling.prev_timestep
if prev_timestep is None:
raise Exception(
"The flexible boundary kernel property was accessed while "
+ "there was no boundary handling in progress.")
return self._kernels[prev_timestep]
def __init__(self, boundary_handling, boundary_obj, flag, kernels):
self._boundary_handling = boundary_handling
self.boundary_object = boundary_obj
self.flag = flag
self._kernels = kernels
# end class FlexibleLBMBoundaryHandling
def create_advanced_streaming_boundary_kernel(pdf_field, index_field, lb_method, boundary_functor,
prev_timestep=Timestep.BOTH, streaming_pattern='pull',
target='cpu', openmp=True):
index_dtype = index_field.dtype.numpy_dtype.fields['dir'][0]
offsets_dtype = index_field.dtype.numpy_dtype.fields['x'][0]
indexing = AdvancedStreamingBoundaryIndexing(
pdf_field, lb_method.stencil, prev_timestep, streaming_pattern, index_dtype, offsets_dtype)
f_out, f_in = indexing.proxy_fields
dir_symbol = indexing.dir_symbol
inv_dir = indexing.inverse_dir_symbol
boundary_assignments = boundary_functor(f_out, f_in, dir_symbol, inv_dir, lb_method, index_field)
boundary_assignments = indexing.substitute_proxies(boundary_assignments)
# Code Elements inside the loop
elements = [Assignment(dir_symbol, index_field[0]('dir'))]
elements += boundary_assignments.all_assignments
kernel = create_indexed_kernel(elements, [index_field], target=target, cpu_openmp=openmp)
# Code Elements ahead of the loop
index_arrs_node = indexing.create_code_node()
for node in boundary_functor.additional_code_nodes[::-1]:
return kernel
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
import pystencils as ps
from pystencils.data_types import TypedSymbol, create_type
from pystencils.backends.cbackend import CustomCodeNode
from lbmpy.advanced_streaming.utility import get_accessor, inverse_dir_index, is_inplace, Timestep
from itertools import product
class AdvancedStreamingBoundaryIndexing:
# =======================================
# Symbols for usage in boundaries
# =======================================
def proxy_fields(self):
return ps.fields(f"f_out({self._q}), f_in({self._q}): [{self._dim}D]")
def dir_symbol(self):
return TypedSymbol('dir', create_type(self._index_dtype))
def inverse_dir_symbol(self):
return sp.IndexedBase('invdir')
# =============================
# Constructor and State
# =============================
def __init__(self, pdf_field, stencil, prev_timestep=Timestep.BOTH, streaming_pattern='pull',
index_dtype=np.int32, offsets_dtype=np.int32):
if prev_timestep == Timestep.BOTH and is_inplace(streaming_pattern):
raise ValueError('Cannot create index arrays for both kinds of timesteps for inplace streaming pattern '
+ streaming_pattern)
prev_accessor = get_accessor(streaming_pattern, prev_timestep)
next_accessor = get_accessor(streaming_pattern,
outward_accesses = prev_accessor.write(pdf_field, stencil)
inward_accesses =, stencil)
self._accesses = {'out': outward_accesses, 'in': inward_accesses}
self._pdf_field = pdf_field
self._stencil = stencil
self._dim = len(stencil[0])
self._q = len(stencil)
self._coordinate_names = ['x', 'y', 'z'][:self._dim]
self._index_dtype = create_type(index_dtype)
self._offsets_dtype = create_type(offsets_dtype)
self._required_arrays = set()
self._trivial_translations = self._collect_trivial_translations()
def _index_array_symbol(self, f_dir, inverse):
assert f_dir in ['in', 'out']
inv = '_inv' if inverse else ''
name = f"f_{f_dir}{inv}_dir_idx"
return TypedSymbol(name, self._index_dtype)
def _offset_array_symbols(self, f_dir, inverse):
assert f_dir in ['in', 'out']
inv = '_inv' if inverse else ''
name_base = f"f_{f_dir}{inv}_offsets_"
symbols = [TypedSymbol(name_base + d, self._index_dtype) for d in self._coordinate_names]
return symbols
def _array_symbols(self, f_dir, inverse, index):
if (f_dir, inverse) in self._trivial_translations:
return {'index': index, 'offsets': (0, ) * self._dim}
index_array_symbol = self._index_array_symbol(f_dir, inverse)
offset_array_symbols = self._offset_array_symbols(f_dir, inverse)
self._required_arrays.add((f_dir, inverse))
return {
'index': sp.IndexedBase(index_array_symbol, shape=(1,))[index],
'offsets': tuple(sp.IndexedBase(s, shape=(1,))[index]
for s in offset_array_symbols)
# =================================
# Proxy fields substitution
# =================================
def substitute_proxies(self, assignments):
if isinstance(assignments, ps.Assignment):
assignments = [assignments]
if not isinstance(assignments, ps.AssignmentCollection):
assignments = ps.AssignmentCollection(assignments)
accesses = self._accesses
f_out, f_in = self.proxy_fields
inv_dir = self.inverse_dir_symbol
accessor_subs = dict()
for fa in assignments.atoms(ps.Field.Access):
if fa.field == f_out:
f_dir = 'out'
elif fa.field == f_in:
f_dir = 'in'
inv = False
idx = fa.index[0]
if isinstance(idx, sp.Indexed) and idx.base == inv_dir:
idx = idx.indices[0]
if isinstance(sp.sympify(idx), sp.Integer):
idx = inverse_dir_index(self._stencil, idx)
inv = True
if isinstance(sp.sympify(idx), sp.Integer):
accessor_subs[fa] = accesses[f_dir][idx].get_shifted(*(fa.offsets))
arr = self._array_symbols(f_dir, inv, idx)
accessor_subs[fa] = self._pdf_field[arr['offsets']](arr['index']).get_shifted(*(fa.offsets))
return assignments.new_with_substitutions(accessor_subs)
# =================
# Internals
# =================
def _get_translated_indices_and_offsets(self, f_dir, inv):
accesses = self._accesses[f_dir]
if inv:
inverse_indices = [inverse_dir_index(self._stencil, i)
for i in range(len(self._stencil))]
accesses = [accesses[idx] for idx in inverse_indices]
indices = [a.index[0] for a in accesses]
offsets = []
for d in range(self._dim):
offsets.append([a.offsets[d] for a in accesses])
return indices, offsets
def _collect_trivial_translations(self):
trivials = set()
trivial_indices = list(range(self._q))
trivial_offsets = [[0] * self._q] * self._dim
for f_dir, inv in product(['in', 'out'], [False, True]):
indices, offsets = self._get_translated_indices_and_offsets(f_dir, inv)
if indices == trivial_indices and offsets == trivial_offsets:
trivials.add((f_dir, inv))
return trivials
def create_code_node(self):
return AdvancedStreamingBoundaryIndexing.TranslationArraysNode(self)
class TranslationArraysNode(CustomCodeNode):
def __init__(self, indexing):
code = ''
symbols_defined = set()
for f_dir, inv in indexing._required_arrays:
indices, offsets = indexing._get_translated_indices_and_offsets(f_dir, inv)
index_array_symbol = indexing._index_array_symbol(f_dir, inv)
acc_indices = ", ".join([str(i) for i in indices])
code += self._array_pattern(indexing._index_dtype,, acc_indices)
offset_array_symbols = indexing._offset_array_symbols(f_dir, inv)
symbols_defined |= set(offset_array_symbols)
for d, arrsymb in enumerate(offset_array_symbols):
acc_offsets = ", ".join([str(o) for o in offsets[d]])
code += self._array_pattern(indexing._offsets_dtype,, acc_offsets)
super(AdvancedStreamingBoundaryIndexing.TranslationArraysNode, self).__init__(
code, symbols_read=set(), symbols_defined=symbols_defined)
def _array_pattern(self, dtype, name, content):
return f"const {str(dtype)} {name} [] = {{ {content} }}; \n"
def __str__(self):
return "Boundary Access Translation Arrays"
def __repr__(self):
return "Boundary Access Translation Arrays"
# end class AdvancedStreamingIndexing
from pystencils import Field, Assignment
from pystencils.slicing import shift_slice, get_slice_before_ghost_layer, normalize_slice
from lbmpy.advanced_streaming.utility import is_inplace, get_accessor, numeric_index, \
numeric_offsets, Timestep, get_timesteps
from pystencils.datahandling import SerialDataHandling
from itertools import chain
def trim_slice_in_direction(slices, direction):
assert len(slices) == len(direction)
result = []
for s, d in zip(slices, direction):
if isinstance(s, int):
start = s.start + 1 if d == -1 else s.start
stop = s.stop - 1 if d == 1 else s.stop
result.append(slice(start, stop, s.step))
return tuple(result)
def extend_dir(direction):
if len(direction) == 0:
yield tuple()
elif direction[0] == 0:
for d in [-1, 0, 1]:
for rest in extend_dir(direction[1:]):
yield (d, ) + rest
for rest in extend_dir(direction[1:]):
yield (direction[0], ) + rest
def _get_neighbour_transform(direction, ghost_layers):
return tuple(d * (ghost_layers + 1) for d in direction)
def _fix_length_one_slices(slices):
"""Slices of length one are replaced by their start value for correct periodic shifting"""
if isinstance(slices, int):
return slices
elif isinstance(slices, slice):
if slices.stop is not None and abs(slices.start - slices.stop) == 1:
return slices.start
elif slices.stop is None and slices.start == -1:
return -1 # [-1:] also has length one
return slices
return tuple(_fix_length_one_slices(s) for s in slices)
def get_communication_slices(
stencil, comm_stencil=None, streaming_pattern='pull', prev_timestep=Timestep.BOTH, ghost_layers=1):
Return the source and destination slices for periodicity handling or communication between blocks.
:param stencil: The stencil used by the LB method.
:param comm_stencil: The stencil defining the communication directions. If None, it will be set to stencil.
:param streaming_pattern: The streaming pattern.
:param prev_timestep: Timestep after which communication is run.
:param ghost_layers: Number of ghost layers in each direction.
if comm_stencil is None:
comm_stencil = stencil
pdfs = Field.create_generic('pdfs', spatial_dimensions=len(stencil[0]), index_shape=(len(stencil),))
write_accesses = get_accessor(streaming_pattern, prev_timestep).write(pdfs, stencil)
slices_per_comm_direction = dict()
for comm_dir in comm_stencil:
if all(d == 0 for d in comm_dir):
slices_for_dir = []
for streaming_dir in set(extend_dir(comm_dir)) & set(stencil):
d = stencil.index(streaming_dir)
write_offsets = numeric_offsets(write_accesses[d])
write_index = numeric_index(write_accesses[d])[0]
tangential_dir = tuple(s - c for s, c in zip(streaming_dir, comm_dir))
origin_slice = get_slice_before_ghost_layer(comm_dir, ghost_layers=ghost_layers, thickness=1)
origin_slice = _fix_length_one_slices(origin_slice)
src_slice = shift_slice(trim_slice_in_direction(origin_slice, tangential_dir), write_offsets)
neighbour_transform = _get_neighbour_transform(comm_dir, ghost_layers)
dst_slice = shift_slice(src_slice, neighbour_transform)
src_slice = src_slice + (write_index, )
dst_slice = dst_slice + (write_index, )
slices_for_dir.append((src_slice, dst_slice))
slices_per_comm_direction[comm_dir] = slices_for_dir
return slices_per_comm_direction
def periodic_pdf_copy_kernel(pdf_field, src_slice, dst_slice,
domain_size=None, target='gpu',
opencl_queue=None, opencl_ctx=None):
"""Copies a rectangular array slice onto another non-overlapping array slice"""
from pystencils.gpucuda.kernelcreation import create_cuda_kernel
pdf_idx = src_slice[-1]
assert isinstance(pdf_idx, int), "PDF index needs to be an integer constant"
assert pdf_idx == dst_slice[-1], "Source and Destination PDF indices must be equal"
src_slice = src_slice[:-1]
dst_slice = dst_slice[:-1]
if domain_size is None:
domain_size = pdf_field.spatial_shape
normalized_from_slice = normalize_slice(src_slice, domain_size)
normalized_to_slice = normalize_slice(dst_slice, domain_size)
def _start(s):
return s.start if isinstance(s, slice) else s
def _stop(s):
return s.stop if isinstance(s, slice) else s
offset = [_start(s1) - _start(s2) for s1, s2 in zip(normalized_from_slice, normalized_to_slice)]
assert offset == [_stop(s1) - _stop(s2) for s1, s2 in zip(normalized_from_slice, normalized_to_slice)], \
"Slices have to have same size"
copy_eq = Assignment(pdf_field(pdf_idx), pdf_field[tuple(offset)](pdf_idx))
ast = create_cuda_kernel([copy_eq], iteration_slice=dst_slice, skip_independence_check=True)
if target == 'gpu':
from pystencils.gpucuda import make_python_function
return make_python_function(ast)
elif target == 'opencl':
from pystencils.opencl import make_python_function
return make_python_function(ast, opencl_queue, opencl_ctx)
raise ValueError('Invalid target:', target)
class PeriodicityHandling:
def __init__(self, stencil, data_handling, pdf_field_name,
streaming_pattern='pull', ghost_layers=1, target='cpu',
opencl_queue=None, opencl_ctx=None,
Periodicity Handling for Lattice Boltzmann Streaming.
**On the usage with cuda/opencl:**
- pycuda allows the copying of sliced arrays within device memory using the numpy syntax,
e.g. `dst[:,0] = src[:,-1]`. In this implementation, this is the default for periodicity
handling. Alternatively, if you set `pycuda_direct_copy=False`, GPU kernels are generated and
compiled. The compiled kernels are almost twice as fast in execution as pycuda array copying,
but especially for large stencils like D3Q27, their compilation can take up to 20 seconds.
Choose your weapon depending on your use case.
- pyopencl does not support copying of non-contiguous sliced arrays, so the usage of compiled
copy kernels is forced on us. On the positive side, compilation of the OpenCL kernels appears
to be about four times faster.
if not isinstance(data_handling, SerialDataHandling):
raise ValueError('Only single node data handling is supported!')
assert target in ['cpu', 'gpu', 'opencl']
self.stencil = stencil
self.dh = data_handling
self.pdf_field_name = pdf_field_name
self.ghost_layers = ghost_layers
periodicity = data_handling.periodicity
self.inplace_pattern = is_inplace(streaming_pattern) = target
self.cpu = target == 'cpu'
self.opencl_queue = opencl_queue
self.opencl_ctx = opencl_ctx
self.pycuda_direct_copy = target == 'gpu' and pycuda_direct_copy
def is_copy_direction(direction):
for d, p in zip(direction, periodicity):
if d != 0 and not p:
return False
return True
copy_directions = tuple(filter(is_copy_direction, stencil[1:]))
self.comm_slices = []
timesteps = get_timesteps(streaming_pattern)
for timestep in timesteps:
slices_per_comm_dir = get_communication_slices(stencil=stencil,
self.comm_slices.append(list(chain.from_iterable(v for k, v in slices_per_comm_dir.items())))
if target == 'opencl' or (target == 'gpu' and not pycuda_direct_copy):
self.device_copy_kernels = []
for timestep in timesteps:
def __call__(self, prev_timestep=Timestep.BOTH):
if self.cpu:
def _periodicity_handling_cpu(self, prev_timestep):
arr = self.dh.cpu_arrays[self.pdf_field_name]
comm_slices = self.comm_slices[prev_timestep.idx]
for src, dst in comm_slices:
arr[dst] = arr[src]
def _compile_copy_kernels(self, timestep):
pdf_field = self.dh.fields[self.pdf_field_name]
kernels = []
for src, dst in self.comm_slices[timestep.idx]:
pdf_field, src, dst,,
opencl_queue=self.opencl_queue, opencl_ctx=self.opencl_ctx))
return kernels
def _periodicity_handling_gpu(self, prev_timestep):
arr = self.dh.gpu_arrays[self.pdf_field_name]
if self.pycuda_direct_copy:
for src, dst in self.comm_slices[prev_timestep.idx]:
arr[dst] = arr[src]
kernel_args = {self.pdf_field_name: arr}
for kernel in self.device_copy_kernels[prev_timestep.idx]:
from lbmpy.fieldaccess import PdfFieldAccessor, \
StreamPullTwoFieldsAccessor, \
StreamPushTwoFieldsAccessor, \
AAEvenTimeStepAccessor, \
AAOddTimeStepAccessor, \
EsoTwistEvenTimeStepAccessor, \
import pystencils as ps
from enum import IntEnum
class Timestep(IntEnum):
EVEN = 0
ODD = 1
BOTH = 2
def next(self):
return self if self == Timestep.BOTH else Timestep((self + 1) % 2)
def idx(self):
"""To use this timestep as an array index"""
return self % 2
streaming_patterns = ['push', 'pull', 'aa', 'esotwist']
even_accessors = {
'pull': StreamPullTwoFieldsAccessor,
'push': StreamPushTwoFieldsAccessor,
'aa': AAEvenTimeStepAccessor,
'esotwist': EsoTwistEvenTimeStepAccessor
odd_accessors = {
'pull': StreamPullTwoFieldsAccessor,
'push': StreamPushTwoFieldsAccessor,
'aa': AAOddTimeStepAccessor,
'esotwist': EsoTwistOddTimeStepAccessor
def get_accessor(streaming_pattern: str, timestep: Timestep) -> PdfFieldAccessor:
if streaming_pattern not in streaming_patterns:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid value of parameter 'streaming_pattern'.", streaming_pattern)
if timestep == Timestep.EVEN:
return even_accessors[streaming_pattern]
return odd_accessors[streaming_pattern]
def is_inplace(streaming_pattern):
if streaming_pattern not in streaming_patterns:
raise ValueError('Invalid streaming pattern', streaming_pattern)
return streaming_pattern in ['aa', 'esotwist']
def get_timesteps(streaming_pattern):
return (Timestep.EVEN, Timestep.ODD) if is_inplace(streaming_pattern) else (Timestep.BOTH, )
def numeric_offsets(field_access: ps.Field.Access):
return tuple(int(o) for o in field_access.offsets)
def numeric_index(field_access: ps.Field.Access):
return tuple(int(i) for i in field_access.index)
def inverse_dir_index(stencil, dir):
return stencil.index(tuple(-d for d in stencil[dir]))
class AccessPdfValues:
"""Allows to access values from a PDF array correctly depending on
the streaming pattern."""
def __init__(self, pdf_field, stencil, streaming_pattern='pull', timestep=Timestep.BOTH, accessor=None):
if accessor is None:
accessor = get_accessor(streaming_pattern, timestep)
self.read_accs =, stencil)
self.write_accs = accessor.write(pdf_field, stencil)
def write_pdf(self, pdf_arr, pos, d, value):
offsets = self.write_accs[d].offsets
pos = tuple(p + o for p, o in zip(pos, offsets))
i = self.write_accs[d].index[0]
pdf_arr[pos + (i,)] = value
def read_pdf(self, pdf_arr, pos, d):
offsets = self.read_accs[d].offsets
pos = tuple(p + o for p, o in zip(pos, offsets))
i = self.read_accs[d].index[0]
return pdf_arr[pos + (i,)]
......@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ from copy import deepcopy
from lbmpy.simplificationfactory import create_simplification_strategy
from pystencils.field import Field, get_layout_of_array
from lbmpy.advanced_streaming.utility import get_accessor, Timestep
def pdf_initialization_assignments(lb_method, density, velocity, pdfs):
"""Assignments to initialize the pdf field with equilibrium"""
......@@ -28,8 +30,27 @@ def macroscopic_values_getter(lb_method, density, velocity, pdfs):
macroscopic_values_setter = pdf_initialization_assignments
# Extensions for any streaming patterns
def flexible_macroscopic_values_setter(lb_method, density, velocity,
pdf_field, streaming_pattern='pull', previous_timestep=Timestep.BOTH):
previous_step_accessor = get_accessor(streaming_pattern, previous_timestep)
write_accesses = previous_step_accessor.write(pdf_field, lb_method.stencil)
return pdf_initialization_assignments(lb_method, density, velocity, write_accesses)
def compile_macroscopic_values_getter(lb_method, output_quantities, pdf_arr=None, field_layout='numpy', target='cpu'):
def flexible_macroscopic_values_getter(lb_method, density, velocity,
pdf_field, streaming_pattern='pull', previous_timestep=Timestep.BOTH):
previous_step_accessor = get_accessor(streaming_pattern, previous_timestep)
write_accesses = previous_step_accessor.write(pdf_field, lb_method.stencil)
return macroscopic_values_getter(lb_method, density, velocity, write_accesses)
def compile_macroscopic_values_getter(lb_method, output_quantities, pdf_arr=None,
ghost_layers=1, iteration_slice=None,
field_layout='numpy', target='cpu',
streaming_pattern='pull', previous_timestep=Timestep.BOTH):
Create kernel to compute macroscopic value(s) from a pdf field (e.g. density or velocity)
......@@ -37,8 +58,13 @@ def compile_macroscopic_values_getter(lb_method, output_quantities, pdf_arr=None
lb_method: instance of :class:`lbmpy.methods.AbstractLbMethod`
output_quantities: sequence of quantities to compute e.g. ['density', 'velocity']
pdf_arr: optional numpy array for pdf field - used to get optimal loop structure for kernel
ghost_layers: a sequence of pairs for each coordinate with lower and upper nr of ghost layers
that should be excluded from the iteration. If None, the number of ghost layers
is determined automatically and assumed to be equal for all dimensions.
iteration_slice: if not None, iteration is done only over this slice of the field
field_layout: layout for output field, also used for pdf field if pdf_arr is not given
target: 'cpu' or 'gpu'
previous_step_accessor: The accessor used by the streaming pattern of the previous timestep
a function to compute macroscopic values:
......@@ -83,15 +109,19 @@ def compile_macroscopic_values_getter(lb_method, output_quantities, pdf_arr=None
output_mapping[output_quantity] = output_mapping[output_quantity][0]
stencil = lb_method.stencil
pdf_symbols = [pdf_field(i) for i in range(len(stencil))]
previous_step_accessor = get_accessor(streaming_pattern, previous_timestep)
pdf_symbols = previous_step_accessor.write(pdf_field, stencil)
eqs = cqc.output_equations_from_pdfs(pdf_symbols, output_mapping).all_assignments
if target == 'cpu':
import pystencils.cpu as cpu
kernel = cpu.make_python_function(cpu.create_kernel(eqs))
kernel = cpu.make_python_function(cpu.create_kernel(
eqs, ghost_layers=ghost_layers, iteration_slice=iteration_slice))
elif target == 'gpu':
import pystencils.gpucuda as gpu
kernel = gpu.make_python_function(gpu.create_cuda_kernel(eqs))
kernel = gpu.make_python_function(gpu.create_cuda_kernel(
eqs, ghost_layers=ghost_layers, iteration_slice=iteration_slice))
raise ValueError("Unknown target '%s'. Possible targets are 'cpu' and 'gpu'" % (target,))
......@@ -107,7 +137,10 @@ def compile_macroscopic_values_getter(lb_method, output_quantities, pdf_arr=None
return getter
def compile_macroscopic_values_setter(lb_method, quantities_to_set, pdf_arr=None, field_layout='numpy', target='cpu'):
def compile_macroscopic_values_setter(lb_method, quantities_to_set, pdf_arr=None,
ghost_layers=1, iteration_slice=None,
field_layout='numpy', target='cpu',
streaming_pattern='pull', previous_timestep=Timestep.BOTH):
Creates a function that sets a pdf field to specified macroscopic quantities
The returned function can be called with the pdf field to set as single argument
......@@ -116,8 +149,13 @@ def compile_macroscopic_values_setter(lb_method, quantities_to_set, pdf_arr=None
lb_method: instance of :class:`lbmpy.methods.AbstractLbMethod`
quantities_to_set: map from conserved quantity name to fixed value or numpy array
pdf_arr: optional numpy array for pdf field - used to get optimal loop structure for kernel
ghost_layers: a sequence of pairs for each coordinate with lower and upper nr of ghost layers
that should be excluded from the iteration. If None, the number of ghost layers
is determined automatically and assumed to be equal for all dimensions.
iteration_slice: if not None, iteration is done only over this slice of the field
field_layout: layout of the pdf field if pdf_arr was not given
target: 'cpu' or 'gpu'
previous_step_accessor: The accessor used by the streaming pattern of the previous timestep
function taking pdf array as single argument and which sets the field to the given values
......@@ -155,7 +193,10 @@ def compile_macroscopic_values_setter(lb_method, quantities_to_set, pdf_arr=None
eq = eq.new_without_subexpressions()
substitutions = {sym: pdf_field(i) for i, sym in enumerate(lb_method.post_collision_pdf_symbols)}
previous_step_accessor = get_accessor(streaming_pattern, previous_timestep)
write_accesses = previous_step_accessor.write(pdf_field, lb_method.stencil)
substitutions = {sym: write_accesses[i] for i, sym in enumerate(lb_method.post_collision_pdf_symbols)}
eq = eq.new_with_substitutions(substitutions).all_assignments
if target == 'cpu':
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from lbmpy.advanced_streaming import FlexibleNoSlip, create_advanced_streaming_boundary_kernel, Timestep
from lbmpy.advanced_streaming.utility import even_accessors, odd_accessors, streaming_patterns, inverse_dir_index, AccessPdfValues
from lbmpy.creationfunctions import create_lb_method
from lbmpy.stencils import get_stencil
import pystencils as ps
from pystencils.boundaries.createindexlist import numpy_data_type_for_boundary_object
from pystencils.data_types import TypedSymbol, create_type
from pystencils.field import Field, FieldType
from itertools import product
import pytest
@pytest.mark.parametrize("stencil", [ 'D2Q9', 'D3Q19', 'D3Q27'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("streaming_pattern", streaming_patterns)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("prev_timestep", [Timestep.EVEN, Timestep.ODD])
def test_advanced_streaming_noslip_single_cell(stencil, streaming_pattern, prev_timestep):
Flexible NoSlip Test
stencil = get_stencil(stencil)
q = len(stencil)
dim = len(stencil[0])
pdf_field = ps.fields(f'pdfs({q}): [{dim}D]')
prev_pdf_access = AccessPdfValues(pdf_field, stencil, streaming_pattern, prev_timestep)
next_pdf_access = AccessPdfValues(pdf_field, stencil, streaming_pattern,
pdfs = np.zeros((3,) * dim + (q,))
pos = (1,) * dim
for d in range(q):
prev_pdf_access.write_pdf(pdfs, pos, d, d)
lb_method = create_lb_method(stencil=stencil, method='srt')
noslip = FlexibleNoSlip()
index_struct_dtype = numpy_data_type_for_boundary_object(noslip, dim)
index_field = Field('indexVector', FieldType.INDEXED, index_struct_dtype, layout=[0],
shape=(TypedSymbol("indexVectorSize", create_type(np.int64)), 1), strides=(1, 1))
index_vector = np.array([ pos + (d,) for d in range(q) ], dtype=index_struct_dtype)
flex_ast = create_advanced_streaming_boundary_kernel(pdf_field,
index_field, lb_method, noslip,
flex_kernel = flex_ast.compile()
flex_kernel(pdfs=pdfs, indexVector=index_vector, indexVectorSize=len(index_vector))
reflected_pdfs = [ next_pdf_access.read_pdf(pdfs, pos, d) for d in range(q)]
inverse_pdfs = [ inverse_dir_index(stencil, d) for d in range(q) ]
assert reflected_pdfs == inverse_pdfs
\ No newline at end of file
import numpy as np
from lbmpy.stencils import get_stencil
from pystencils.slicing import get_slice_before_ghost_layer, get_ghost_region_slice
from lbmpy.advanced_streaming.communication import get_communication_slices, _fix_length_one_slices
from lbmpy.advanced_streaming.utility import streaming_patterns, Timestep
import pytest
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stencil', ['D2Q9', 'D3Q19', 'D3Q27'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('streaming_pattern', streaming_patterns)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('timestep', [Timestep.EVEN, Timestep.ODD])
def test_slices_not_empty(stencil, streaming_pattern, timestep):
stencil = get_stencil(stencil)
dim = len(stencil[0])
q = len(stencil)
arr = np.zeros( (4,) * dim + (q,) )
slices = get_communication_slices(stencil, streaming_pattern=streaming_pattern, prev_timestep=timestep, ghost_layers=1)
for _, slices_list in slices.items():
for src, dst in slices_list:
assert all(s != 0 for s in arr[src].shape)
assert all(s != 0 for s in arr[dst].shape)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stencil', ['D2Q9', 'D3Q19', 'D3Q27'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('streaming_pattern', streaming_patterns)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('timestep', [Timestep.EVEN, Timestep.ODD])
def test_src_dst_same_shape(stencil, streaming_pattern, timestep):
stencil = get_stencil(stencil)
dim = len(stencil[0])
q = len(stencil)
arr = np.zeros( (4,) * dim + (q,) )
slices = get_communication_slices(stencil, streaming_pattern=streaming_pattern, prev_timestep=timestep, ghost_layers=1)
for _, slices_list in slices.items():
for src, dst in slices_list:
src_shape = arr[src].shape
dst_shape = arr[dst].shape
assert src_shape == dst_shape
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stencil', ['D2Q9', 'D3Q19', 'D3Q27'])
def test_pull_communication_slices(stencil):
stencil = get_stencil(stencil)
slices = get_communication_slices(
stencil, streaming_pattern='pull', prev_timestep=Timestep.BOTH, ghost_layers=1)
for i, d in enumerate(stencil):
if i == 0:
for s in slices[d]:
if s[0][-1] == i:
src = s[0][:-1]
dst = s[1][:-1]
inner_slice = _fix_length_one_slices(get_slice_before_ghost_layer(d, ghost_layers=1))
inv_dir = (-e for e in d)
gl_slice = _fix_length_one_slices(get_ghost_region_slice(inv_dir, ghost_layers=1))
assert src == inner_slice
assert dst == gl_slice
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from pystencils.datahandling import create_data_handling
from pystencils import create_kernel
from pystencils.plot import scalar_field, vector_field, vector_field_magnitude
from lbmpy.creationfunctions import create_lb_collision_rule, create_lb_function
from lbmpy.macroscopic_value_kernels import flexible_macroscopic_values_getter, flexible_macroscopic_values_setter
from lbmpy.stencils import get_stencil
from lbmpy.advanced_streaming import PeriodicityHandling
from lbmpy.advanced_streaming.utility import is_inplace, streaming_patterns, get_timesteps
import pytest
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose, assert_array_equal
all_results = dict()
targets = ['cpu']
import pycuda.autoinit
targets += ['gpu']
except ImportError:
import pystencils.opencl.autoinit
targets += ['opencl']
except ImportError:
@pytest.mark.parametrize('target', targets)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stencil', ['D2Q9', 'D3Q19', 'D3Q27'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('streaming_pattern', streaming_patterns)
def test_fully_periodic_flow(target, stencil, streaming_pattern):
if target == 'opencl':
from pystencils.opencl.opencljit import get_global_cl_queue
opencl_queue = get_global_cl_queue()
opencl_queue = None
gpu = target in ['gpu', 'opencl']
# Stencil
stencil = get_stencil(stencil)
q = len(stencil)
dim = len(stencil[0])
# Streaming
inplace = is_inplace(streaming_pattern)
timesteps = get_timesteps(streaming_pattern)
zeroth_timestep = timesteps[0]
# Data Handling and PDF fields
domain_size = (30,) * dim
periodicity = (True,) * dim
dh = create_data_handling(domain_size=domain_size, periodicity=periodicity,
default_target=target, opencl_queue=opencl_queue)
pdfs = dh.add_array('pdfs', q)
if not inplace:
pdfs_tmp = dh.add_array_like('pdfs_tmp',
# LBM Streaming and Collision
method_params = {
'stencil': stencil,
'method': 'srt',
'relaxation_rate': 1.0
optimization = {
'symbolic_field': pdfs,
'target': target
if not inplace:
optimization['symbolic_temporary_field'] = pdfs_tmp
lb_collision = create_lb_collision_rule(optimization=optimization, **method_params)
lb_method = lb_collision.method
lb_kernels = []
if inplace:
kernel_type=streaming_pattern + '_even',
kernel_type=streaming_pattern + '_odd',
if streaming_pattern == 'pull':
kernel_type = 'stream_pull_collide'
elif streaming_pattern == 'push':
kernel_type = 'collide_stream_push'
# Macroscopic Values
density = 1.0
density_field = dh.add_array('rho', 1)
u_x = 0.01
velocity = (u_x,) * dim
velocity_field = dh.add_array('u', dim)
u_ref = np.full(domain_size + (dim,), u_x)
setter = flexible_macroscopic_values_setter(
lb_method, density, velocity, pdfs,
streaming_pattern=streaming_pattern, previous_timestep=zeroth_timestep)
setter_kernel = create_kernel(setter, ghost_layers=1, target=target).compile()
getter_kernels = []
for t in timesteps:
getter = flexible_macroscopic_values_getter(
lb_method, density_field, velocity_field, pdfs,
streaming_pattern=streaming_pattern, previous_timestep=t)
getter_kernels.append(create_kernel(getter, ghost_layers=1, target=target).compile())
# Periodicity
periodicity_handler = PeriodicityHandling(stencil, dh,, streaming_pattern=streaming_pattern, target=target)
# Initialization and Timestep
current_timestep = zeroth_timestep
def init():
global current_timestep
current_timestep = zeroth_timestep
def one_step():
global current_timestep
# Periodicty
# Here, the next time step begins
current_timestep =
# LBM Step
# Field Swaps
if not inplace:
# Macroscopic Values
# Run the simulation
for _ in range(100):
# Evaluation
if gpu:
u = dh.gather_array(
# Equal to the steady-state velocity field up to numerical errors
assert_allclose(u, u_ref)
# Flow must be equal up to numerical error for all streaming patterns
global all_results
for key, prev_u in all_results.items():
if key[0] == stencil:
prev_pattern = key[1]
u, prev_u, err_msg=f'Velocity field for {streaming_pattern} differed from {prev_pattern}!')
all_results[(stencil, streaming_pattern)] = u
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from pystencils.datahandling import create_data_handling
from pystencils import create_kernel
from pystencils.slicing import make_slice
from lbmpy.creationfunctions import create_lb_collision_rule, create_lb_function
from lbmpy.macroscopic_value_kernels import flexible_macroscopic_values_getter, flexible_macroscopic_values_setter
from lbmpy.stencils import get_stencil
from lbmpy.advanced_streaming import PeriodicityHandling, FlexibleNoSlip, FlexibleLBMBoundaryHandling
from lbmpy.advanced_streaming.utility import is_inplace, streaming_patterns, Timestep, get_timesteps
import pytest
from numpy.testing import assert_allclose
all_results = dict()
class PeriodicPipeFlow:
def __init__(self, stencil, streaming_pattern):
# Stencil
self.stencil = stencil
self.q = len(self.stencil)
self.dim = len(self.stencil[0])
# Streaming
self.streaming_pattern = streaming_pattern
self.inplace = is_inplace(self.streaming_pattern)
self.timesteps = get_timesteps(streaming_pattern)
self.zeroth_timestep = self.timesteps[0]
# Domain, Data Handling and PDF fields
self.pipe_length = 60
self.pipe_radius = 15
self.domain_size = (self.pipe_length, ) + (2 * self.pipe_radius,) * (self.dim - 1)
self.periodicity = (True, ) + (False, ) * (self.dim - 1)
self.force = (0.0001, ) + (0.0,) * (self.dim - 1)
self.dh = create_data_handling(domain_size=self.domain_size, periodicity=self.periodicity)
self.pdfs = self.dh.add_array('pdfs', self.q)
if not self.inplace:
self.pdfs_tmp = self.dh.add_array_like('pdfs_tmp',
# LBM Streaming and Collision
method_params = {
'stencil': stencil,
'method': 'srt',
'relaxation_rate': 1.0,
'force_model': 'guo',
'force': self.force
optimization = {
'symbolic_field': self.pdfs,
'target': 'cpu'
if not self.inplace:
optimization['symbolic_temporary_field'] = self.pdfs_tmp
self.lb_collision = create_lb_collision_rule(optimization=optimization, **method_params)
self.lb_method = self.lb_collision.method
self.lb_kernels = []
if self.inplace:
kernel_type=self.streaming_pattern + '_even',
kernel_type=self.streaming_pattern + '_odd',
if self.streaming_pattern == 'pull':
kernel_type = 'stream_pull_collide'
elif self.streaming_pattern == 'push':
kernel_type = 'collide_stream_push'
# Macroscopic Values
self.density = 1.0
self.density_field = self.dh.add_array('rho', 1)
u_x = 0.0
self.velocity = (u_x,) * self.dim
self.velocity_field = self.dh.add_array('u', self.dim)
setter = flexible_macroscopic_values_setter(
self.lb_method, self.density, self.velocity, self.pdfs,
streaming_pattern=self.streaming_pattern, previous_timestep=self.zeroth_timestep)
self.init_kernel = create_kernel(setter, ghost_layers=1).compile()
self.getter_kernels = []
for t in self.timesteps:
getter = flexible_macroscopic_values_getter(
self.lb_method, self.density_field, self.velocity_field, self.pdfs,
streaming_pattern=self.streaming_pattern, previous_timestep=t)
self.getter_kernels.append(create_kernel(getter, ghost_layers=1).compile())
# Periodicity
self.periodicity_handler = PeriodicityHandling(self.stencil, self.dh,, streaming_pattern=self.streaming_pattern)
# Boundary Handling
self.noslip = FlexibleNoSlip() = FlexibleLBMBoundaryHandling(self.lb_method, self.dh,, streaming_pattern=self.streaming_pattern), mask_callback=self.mask_callback)
self.current_timestep = self.zeroth_timestep
def mask_callback(self, x, y, z=None):
y = y - self.pipe_radius
z = z - self.pipe_radius if z is not None else 0
return np.sqrt(y**2 + z**2) >= self.pipe_radius
def init(self):
self.current_timestep = self.zeroth_timestep
def step(self):
# Order matters! First communicate, then boundaries, otherwise
# periodicity handling overwrites reflected populations
# Periodicty
# Boundaries
# Here, the next time step begins
self.current_timestep =
# LBM Step
# Field Swaps
if not self.inplace:
# Macroscopic Values
def run(self, iterations):
for _ in range(iterations):
def velocity_array(self):
return self.dh.gather_array(
def get_trimmed_velocity_array(self):
u = np.copy(self.dh.gather_array(
mask =, self.noslip)
for idx in np.ndindex(u.shape[:-1]):
if mask[idx] != 0:
u[idx] = np.full((self.dim, ), np.nan)
return u
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stencil', ['D2Q9', 'D3Q19', 'D3Q27'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('streaming_pattern', streaming_patterns)
def test_periodic_pipe(stencil, streaming_pattern):
stencil = get_stencil(stencil)
pipeflow = PeriodicPipeFlow(stencil, streaming_pattern)
u = pipeflow.get_trimmed_velocity_array()
# Flow must be equal up to numerical error for all streaming patterns
global all_results
for key, prev_u in all_results.items():
if key[0] == stencil:
prev_pattern = key[1]
u, prev_u,
rtol=1, atol=1e-16,
err_msg=f'Velocity field for {streaming_pattern} differed from {prev_pattern}!')
all_results[(stencil, streaming_pattern)] = u
......@@ -3,30 +3,45 @@ import numpy as np
from lbmpy.creationfunctions import create_lb_method
from lbmpy.macroscopic_value_kernels import (
compile_macroscopic_values_getter, compile_macroscopic_values_setter)
from lbmpy.advanced_streaming.utility import streaming_patterns, Timestep
import pytest
def test_set_get_density_velocity_with_fields():
for stencil in ['D2Q9', 'D3Q19']:
for force_model in ['guo', 'luo', 'none']:
for compressible in [True, False]:
force = (0.1, 0.12, -0.17)
method = create_lb_method(stencil=stencil, force_model=force_model, method='trt',
compressible=compressible, force=force)
size = (3, 7, 4)[:method.dim]
pdf_arr = np.zeros(size + (len(method.stencil),))
density_input_field = 1 + 0.2 * (np.random.random_sample(size) - 0.5)
velocity_input_field = 0.1 * (np.random.random_sample(size + (method.dim, )) - 0.5)
setter = compile_macroscopic_values_setter(method, pdf_arr=pdf_arr,
quantities_to_set={'density': density_input_field,
'velocity': velocity_input_field}, )
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stencil', ['D2Q9', 'D3Q19'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('force_model', ['guo', 'luo', None])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('compressible', ['compressible', False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('streaming_pattern', streaming_patterns)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('prev_timestep', [Timestep.EVEN, Timestep.ODD])
def test_set_get_density_velocity_with_fields(stencil, force_model, compressible, streaming_pattern, prev_timestep):
force = (0.1, 0.12, -0.17)
method = create_lb_method(stencil=stencil, force_model=force_model, method='trt',
compressible=compressible, force=force)
ghost_layers = 1
inner_size = (3, 7, 4)[:method.dim]
total_size = tuple(s + 2 * ghost_layers for s in inner_size)
pdf_arr = np.zeros(total_size + (len(method.stencil),))
inner_slice = (slice(ghost_layers, -ghost_layers, 1), ) * method.dim
density_input_field = np.zeros(total_size)
velocity_input_field = np.zeros(total_size + (method.dim, ))
density_input_field[inner_slice] = 1 + 0.2 * (np.random.random_sample(inner_size) - 0.5)
velocity_input_field[inner_slice] = 0.1 * \
(np.random.random_sample(inner_size + (method.dim, )) - 0.5)
quantities_to_set = {'density': density_input_field, 'velocity': velocity_input_field}
setter = compile_macroscopic_values_setter(method, pdf_arr=pdf_arr, quantities_to_set=quantities_to_set,
ghost_layers=ghost_layers, streaming_pattern=streaming_pattern, previous_timestep=prev_timestep)
getter = compile_macroscopic_values_getter(method, ['density', 'velocity'], pdf_arr=pdf_arr,
ghost_layers=ghost_layers, streaming_pattern=streaming_pattern, previous_timestep=prev_timestep)
getter = compile_macroscopic_values_getter(method, ['density', 'velocity'], pdf_arr=pdf_arr)
density_output_field = np.empty_like(density_input_field)
velocity_output_field = np.empty_like(velocity_input_field)
getter(pdfs=pdf_arr, density=density_output_field, velocity=velocity_output_field)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(density_input_field, density_output_field)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(velocity_input_field, velocity_output_field)
density_output_field = np.zeros_like(density_input_field)
velocity_output_field = np.zeros_like(velocity_input_field)
getter(pdfs=pdf_arr, density=density_output_field, velocity=velocity_output_field)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(density_input_field, density_output_field)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(velocity_input_field, velocity_output_field)
def test_set_get_constant_velocity():
......@@ -40,11 +55,11 @@ def test_set_get_constant_velocity():
compressible=compressible, force=force)
size = (1, 1, 1)[:method.dim]
pdf_arr = np.zeros(size + (len(method.stencil),))
setter = compile_macroscopic_values_setter(method, pdf_arr=pdf_arr,
setter = compile_macroscopic_values_setter(method, pdf_arr=pdf_arr, ghost_layers=0,
quantities_to_set={'velocity': ref_velocity[:method.dim]}, )
getter = compile_macroscopic_values_getter(method, ['velocity'], pdf_arr=pdf_arr)
getter = compile_macroscopic_values_getter(method, ['velocity'], pdf_arr=pdf_arr, ghost_layers=0)
velocity_output_field = np.zeros(size + (method.dim, ))
getter(pdfs=pdf_arr, velocity=velocity_output_field)
if method.dim == 2: