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Commit 64a0c8ae authored by Markus Holzer's avatar Markus Holzer Committed by Philipp Suffa
Browse files

Pressure tensor

parent e6ef56cb
No related merge requests found
......@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ private:
template<class LM, class Enable> friend struct DensityAndMomentumDensity;
template<class LM, class Enable> friend struct MomentumDensity;
template<class LM, class It, class Enable> friend struct DensityAndVelocityRange;
template<class LM> friend struct PressureTensor;
friend mpi::SendBuffer & ::walberla::mpi::operator<< (mpi::SendBuffer & , const {{class_name}} & );
friend mpi::RecvBuffer & ::walberla::mpi::operator>> (mpi::RecvBuffer & , {{class_name}} & );
......@@ -507,16 +508,35 @@ template<>
struct PressureTensor<{{class_name}}>
template< typename FieldPtrOrIterator >
static void get( Matrix3< {{dtype}} > & /* pressureTensor */, const {{class_name}} & /* latticeModel */, const FieldPtrOrIterator & /* it */ )
static void get( Matrix3< {{dtype}} > & pressureTensor , const {{class_name}} & lm , const FieldPtrOrIterator & it )
WALBERLA_ABORT("Not implemented");
const auto x = it.x();
const auto y = it.y();
const auto z = it.z();
{% for i in range(Q) -%}
const {{dtype}} f_{{i}} = it[{{i}}];
{% endfor -%}
{{strain_rate_tensor | indent(6) }}
{% for i in range(D * D) -%}
pressureTensor[{{i}}] = srt_{{i}};
{% endfor %}
template< typename PdfField_T >
static void get( Matrix3< {{dtype}} > & /* pressureTensor */, const {{class_name}} & /* latticeModel */, const PdfField_T & /* pdf */,
const cell_idx_t /* x */, const cell_idx_t /* y */, const cell_idx_t /* z */ )
static void get( Matrix3< {{dtype}} > & pressureTensor , const {{class_name}} & lm, const PdfField_T & pdf,
const cell_idx_t x, const cell_idx_t y, const cell_idx_t z)
WALBERLA_ABORT("Not implemented");
const {{dtype}} & xyz0 = pdf(x,y,z,0);
{% for i in range(Q) -%}
const {{dtype}} f_{{i}} = pdf.getF( &xyz0, {{i}});
{% endfor -%}
{{strain_rate_tensor | indent(6) }}
{% for i in range(D * D) -%}
pressureTensor[{{i}}] = srt_{{i}};
{% endfor %}
# import warnings
from typing import Callable, List
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader, StrictUndefined, Template
from pystencils import Assignment
from sympy.tensor import IndexedBase
import pystencils as ps
from lbmpy.fieldaccess import CollideOnlyInplaceAccessor, StreamPullTwoFieldsAccessor
from lbmpy.relaxationrates import relaxation_rate_scaling
from lbmpy.macroscopic_value_kernels import strain_rate_tensor_getter
from lbmpy.updatekernels import create_lbm_kernel, create_stream_only_kernel
from pystencils import AssignmentCollection, create_kernel, Target
from pystencils.astnodes import SympyAssignment
from pystencils import AssignmentCollection, create_kernel, Target, CreateKernelConfig
from pystencils.backends.cbackend import CBackend, CustomSympyPrinter, get_headers
from pystencils.typing import BasicType, CastFunc, TypedSymbol
from pystencils.field import Field
......@@ -40,6 +36,7 @@ def __type_equilibrium_assignments(assignments, config, subs_dict):
def __lattice_model(generation_context, class_name, config, lb_method, stream_collide_ast, collide_ast, stream_ast,
stencil_name =
dim = lb_method.stencil.D
if not stencil_name:
raise ValueError("lb_method uses a stencil that is not supported in waLBerla")
......@@ -53,10 +50,11 @@ def __lattice_model(generation_context, class_name, config, lb_method, stream_co
reference_density = rho_sym if cqc.compressible else cqc.background_density
pdfs_sym = sp.symbols(f'f_:{lb_method.stencil.Q}')
vel_arr_symbols = [IndexedBase(TypedSymbol('u', default_dtype), shape=(1,))[i] for i in range(len(vel_symbols))]
vel_arr_symbols = [IndexedBase(TypedSymbol('u', default_dtype), shape=(1,))[i] for i in range(dim)]
subs_dict = {a: b for a, b in zip(vel_symbols, vel_arr_symbols)}
momentum_density_symbols = sp.symbols(f'md_:{len(vel_symbols)}')
momentum_density_symbols = sp.symbols(f'md_:{dim}')
strain_rate_tensor = sp.symbols(f"srt_:{dim * dim}")
equilibrium = lb_method.get_equilibrium()
lhs_list = [a.lhs for a in equilibrium.main_assignments]
......@@ -65,11 +63,10 @@ def __lattice_model(generation_context, class_name, config, lb_method, stream_co
symmetric_equilibrium_matrix = get_symmetric_part(equilibrium_matrix, vel_symbols)
asymmetric_equilibrium_matrix = sp.expand(equilibrium_matrix - symmetric_equilibrium_matrix)
equilibrium = AssignmentCollection([ps.Assignment(lhs, rhs)
for lhs, rhs in zip(lhs_list, equilibrium_matrix)])
symmetric_equilibrium = AssignmentCollection([ps.Assignment(lhs, rhs)
equilibrium = AssignmentCollection([Assignment(lhs, rhs) for lhs, rhs in zip(lhs_list, equilibrium_matrix)])
symmetric_equilibrium = AssignmentCollection([Assignment(lhs, rhs)
for lhs, rhs in zip(lhs_list, symmetric_equilibrium_matrix)])
asymmetric_equilibrium = AssignmentCollection([ps.Assignment(lhs, rhs)
asymmetric_equilibrium = AssignmentCollection([Assignment(lhs, rhs)
for lhs, rhs in zip(lhs_list, asymmetric_equilibrium_matrix)])
equilibrium = __type_equilibrium_assignments(equilibrium, config, subs_dict)
......@@ -90,6 +87,10 @@ def __lattice_model(generation_context, class_name, config, lb_method, stream_co
variables_without_prefix=['rho_in', 'u'])
momentum_density_getter = cqc.output_equations_from_pdfs(pdfs_sym, {'density': rho_sym,
'momentum_density': momentum_density_symbols})
mdg2 = cqc.output_equations_from_pdfs(pdfs_sym, {'density': rho_sym, 'velocity': vel_symbols})
strain_rate_tensor_assignments = strain_rate_tensor_getter(lb_method, strain_rate_tensor, pdfs_sym)
strain_rate_tensor_assignments = mdg2.all_assignments + strain_rate_tensor_assignments
is_float = True if issubclass(default_dtype.numpy_dtype.type, np.float32) else False
constant_suffix = "f" if is_float else ""
......@@ -135,7 +136,8 @@ def __lattice_model(generation_context, class_name, config, lb_method, stream_co
'momentum_density_getter': equations_to_code(momentum_density_getter, variables_without_prefix=pdfs_sym,
'density_velocity_setter_macroscopic_values': density_velocity_setter_macroscopic_values,
'strain_rate_tensor': equations_to_code(strain_rate_tensor_assignments, variables_without_prefix=pdfs_sym,
'refinement_scaling_info': refinement_scaling_info,
'stream_collide_kernel': KernelInfo(stream_collide_ast, ['pdfs_tmp'], [('pdfs', 'pdfs_tmp')], []),
......@@ -181,11 +183,10 @@ def generate_lattice_model(generation_context, class_name, collision_rule, field
elif field_layout == 'zyxf':
config.cpu_vectorize_info['assume_inner_stride_one'] = False
src_field = ps.Field.create_generic('pdfs', dim, config.data_type['pdfs'].numpy_dtype,
index_dimensions=1, layout=field_layout, index_shape=(q,))
dst_field = ps.Field.create_generic('pdfs_tmp', dim, config.data_type['pdfs_tmp'].numpy_dtype,
index_dimensions=1, layout=field_layout,
src_field = Field.create_generic('pdfs', dim, config.data_type['pdfs'].numpy_dtype,
index_dimensions=1, layout=field_layout, index_shape=(q,))
dst_field = Field.create_generic('pdfs_tmp', dim, config.data_type['pdfs_tmp'].numpy_dtype,
index_dimensions=1, layout=field_layout, index_shape=(q,))
stream_collide_update_rule = create_lbm_kernel(collision_rule, src_field, dst_field, StreamPullTwoFieldsAccessor())
stream_collide_ast = create_kernel(stream_collide_update_rule, config=config)
......@@ -326,24 +327,32 @@ def type_expr(eq, dtype):
return eq.subs({s: TypedSymbol(, dtype) for s in eq.atoms(sp.Symbol)})
def equations_to_code(equations, variable_prefix="lm.", variables_without_prefix=None, dtype=None):
def equations_to_code(assignments, variable_prefix="lm.", variables_without_prefix=None, dtype=None):
if dtype is None:
dtype = BasicType("float64")
if variables_without_prefix is None:
variables_without_prefix = []
if isinstance(equations, AssignmentCollection):
equations = equations.all_assignments
config = CreateKernelConfig(data_type=dtype, default_number_float=dtype)
variables_without_prefix = list(variables_without_prefix)
if isinstance(assignments, AssignmentCollection):
assignments = assignments.all_assignments
left_hand_side_names = [ for e in assignments]
variables_without_prefix = list(variables_without_prefix) + left_hand_side_names
new_assignments = list()
for assignment in assignments:
new_rhs = field_and_symbol_substitute(assignment.rhs, variable_prefix, variables_without_prefix)
new_assignments.append(Assignment(assignment.lhs, new_rhs))
new_assignments = AssignmentCollection(new_assignments)
new_assignments = new_assignments.new_without_unused_subexpressions()
new_assignments = NodeCollection.from_assignment_collection(new_assignments)
new_assignments = add_types(new_assignments.all_assignments, config)
c_backend = CBackend()
result = []
left_hand_side_names = [ for e in equations]
for eq in equations:
assignment = SympyAssignment(type_expr(eq.lhs, dtype=dtype),
type_expr(field_and_symbol_substitute(eq.rhs, variable_prefix,
+ left_hand_side_names),
for assignment in new_assignments:
return "\n".join(result)
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