convection blending
- Mar 28, 2020
Nils Kohl authored
- Mar 27, 2020
Nils Kohl authored
I suggest to implement a method meshAnnulus( const real_t rmin, const real_t rmax, const meshFlavour flavour, uint_t nTan, uint_t nRad ); that as the version for a partial annulus is based on meshing a rectangle in polar coordinates. We only need to remove the duplicate nodes (with phi = 0 or 2pi), fix the connectivity and mark the egdes with phi = 0 as interior. Once the new method is finished, we can check it against meshAnnulus( const real_t rmin, const real_t rmax, uint_t nTan, uint_t nRad ); which directly meshes the full annulus for flavor=CRISSCROSS in cartesian coordinates. Once the new method works, we could delete the old version and the auxilliary deriveEdgesForFullAnnulus() method.
c64ba460 -
Nils Kohl authored5e35530d