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Formally correct 3D implementation for two operators

Marcus Mohr requested to merge mohr/minor_fix into master

The P2P1BlendingTaylorhoodStokesOperator and P2P1SurrogateTaylorhoodStokesOperator are formally implemented to work in 3D. However, due to missing 3D implementations of their underlying operators they can currently not be used in that setting. The formal implementation uses

  • P2ToP1ConstantDivzOperator div_z;
  • P1ToP2ConstantDivTzOperator divT_z;

Which the merge will formally replace by the corresponding blending/surrogate operator. This way is IMHO cleaner and the operators should work in 3D out-of-the-box, once the underlying operators get extended to 3D.


Merge request reports