Users can provide additional radial profiles for the thermal expansivity, Grueneisen parameter and specific heat capacity at constant pressure. Affected non-dimensional numbers such as the Dissipation number are then updated accordingly during runtime. If radial profile value data points lie in between a current finite element location a linear interpolation will be performed to estimate the radial profile value at the given location. If a radial profile is used the non-dimensional numbers will be updated during runtime according to the corresponding radial profile. These radial profiles have to be in .json format with one entry for the radius holding the key-argument: "Radius (m)". The radius entry must be sorted descending from surface (m) to CMB (m). The second entry will hence be derived as data value entry. A check for min and max radii of the radial profile will ensure that only reasonable profiles can be utilised (r_max <= r_surface and r_min >= r_CMB).