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//  This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can 
//  redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of 
//  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
//  waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
//  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or 
//  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License 
//  for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
//  with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <>.
//! \file BufferSystem.h
//! \ingroup core
//! \author Martin Bauer <>
//! \brief Header file for BufferSystem

#pragma once

#include "BufferSystemHelper.h"
#include "core/DataTypes.h"
#include "core/debug/Debug.h"

#include <boost/range/counting_range.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>

namespace walberla {
namespace mpi  {

class OpenMPBufferSystem;

/*! Manages MPI Communication with a set of known communication partners.
*   Features / Restrictions:
*    - usable in every case where normal MPI_Send, MPI_Recv is needed
*    - communication partners have to be known, message size not necessarily
*    - unknown message sizes possible ( -> automatic extra message to exchange sizes )
*    - Implemented with non-blocking MPI calls, and MPI_Waitany to process a message as soon
*      as it was received while still waiting for other messages
* \ingroup mpi
*  Example:
*  --------
      BufferSystem bs ( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
      // we assume every process has exactly two neighbors ( periodic )
      // and the neighbor ranks are stored in 'neighborRank1' and 'neighborRank2'
      bs.sendBuffer( neighborRank1 ) << 42;
      bs.sendBuffer( neighborRank2 ) << 4242;

      // We expect to receive the same amount as we send:
      bs.setReceiverInfoFromSendBufferState( true, false );


      for ( auto i = bs.begin(); i != bs.end(); ++i ) {
         cout << "Message received from " << i.rank() << endl;
         int messageContent;
         i.buffer() >> messageContent;
         cout << "Received " << messageContent << endl;
* Usage:
* ------
*    1. Setup:
*        - define receive information using setReceiverInfo() or setReceiverInfoFromSendBufferState()
*          With these functions one defines the processes that we receive from and optionally the size
*          of the received messages. If the message sizes are unknown, they have to be communicated first.
*          One also defines if the sizes stay constant or if they change in each communication step
*           (size message is then sent before every content message)
*        - The receiver and send information can be changed, if no communication is currently running.
*    2. Communication Step:
*        - Optionally call scheduleReceives() -> starts communication step and causes MPI_IRecv's to be called.
*          This is also automatically called on first send operation.
*        - fill send buffers
*        - call send() for each buffer after filling the buffer, or call sendAll() after filling all buffers.
*          The send*() functions return immediately, internally MPI_ISend's are called.
*          The send*() functions start the communication step if it was not already started by scheduleReceives()
*        - Receiving: iterate over incoming messages using begin() and end(). Internally a MPI_Waitany is executed that
*          returns as soon as a single message was received. Then this message can be processed while waiting
*          for the other messages.
*          \attention Even if the current process does not receive anything, call begin() and end()
*                     to finish the communication step
*        - When iteration has reached the end the communication step is finished.
*        - when communication has finished all Send- and RecvBuffers are automatically cleared
* When running multiple BufferSystems concurrently different MPI tags have to be used
* for the systems: the tag can be passed in the constructor.
class BufferSystem
   class iterator;

   //**Construction and Destruction*************************************************************************************
   /*!\name Constructors */
   explicit BufferSystem( const MPI_Comm & communicator, int tag = 0 );
   ~BufferSystem() {}

   //** Receiver Registration        ***********************************************************************************
   /*! \name Receiver Registration  */
   template<typename RankIter> void setReceiverInfo( RankIter begin, RankIter end,              bool changingSize );
   template<typename Range>    void setReceiverInfo( const Range & range,                       bool changingSize );
                               void setReceiverInfo( const std::set<MPIRank> & ranksToRecvFrom, bool changingSize );

   void setReceiverInfo( const std::map<MPIRank,MPISize> & ranksToRecvFrom );
   void setReceiverInfoFromSendBufferState( bool useSizeFromSendBuffers, bool changingSize );

   void sizeHasChanged( bool alwaysChangingSize = false );

   //** Executing Communication Step   *********************************************************************************
   /*! \name Executing Communication Step */
   void scheduleReceives() { startCommunication(); }

   SendBuffer & sendBuffer ( MPIRank rank );
   SendBuffer & sendBuffer ( uint_t  rank ) { return sendBuffer( int_c( rank ) ); }
   inline size_t size() const;

   void sendAll();
   void send( MPIRank rank );

   iterator begin() { WALBERLA_ASSERT( communicationRunning_); return iterator( *this, true ); }
   iterator end()   {                                          return iterator( *this, false); }

   //** Iterator        ************************************************************************************************
   /*! \name Iterator  */
   class iterator
      MPIRank      rank()   { return currentSenderRank_;  }
      RecvBuffer & buffer() { return *currentRecvBuffer_; }

      void operator++();
      bool operator==( const iterator & other );
      bool operator!=( const iterator & other );

      iterator( BufferSystem & bufferSystem, bool begin );

      BufferSystem & bufferSystem_;

      RecvBuffer * currentRecvBuffer_;
      MPIRank      currentSenderRank_;

      friend class BufferSystem;
   friend class iterator;

   //** Status Queries        ******************************************************************************************
   /*! \name Status Queries  */
   bool isSizeCommunicatedInNextStep() const { return (currentComm_ == &unknownSizeComm_); }
   bool isCommunciationRunning() const       { return communicationRunning_;               }
   bool isReceiverInformationSet() const     { return currentComm_ != NULL;                }

   //* Rank Ranges     *************************************************************************************************
   /*! \name Rank Ranges  */
   typedef boost::counting_iterator<MPIRank> RankCountIter;
   typedef boost::iterator_range< RankCountIter > RankRange;
   static RankRange noRanks();
   static RankRange allRanks();
   static RankRange allRanksButRoot();
   static RankRange onlyRoot();
   static RankRange onlyRank( MPIRank includedRank );


   friend class OpenMPBufferSystem;

   void startCommunication();
   void endCommunication();
   RecvBuffer * waitForNext( MPIRank & fromRank );
   void setCommunicationType( const bool knownSize );

   internal::KnownSizeCommunication   knownSizeComm_;
   internal::UnknownSizeCommunication unknownSizeComm_;
   internal::NoMPICommunication       noMPIComm_;
   internal::AbstractCommunication *  currentComm_;  //< after receiver setup, this points to unknown- or knownSizeComm_

   bool sizeChangesEverytime_; //< if set to true, the receiveSizeUnknown_ is set to true before communicating
   bool communicationRunning_; //< indicates if a communication step is currently running

   /// Info about the message to be received from a certain rank:
   /// information holds the buffer and, if known, the message size
   std::map<MPIRank, internal::AbstractCommunication::ReceiveInfo> recvInfos_;

   struct SendInfo {
      SendInfo() : alreadySent(false) {}
      SendBuffer buffer;
      bool alreadySent;
   std::map<MPIRank, SendInfo> sendInfos_;

   #ifndef NDEBUG
   //stores tags of running communications in debug mode to ensure that
   //each concurrently running communication uses different tags
   static std::set<int> activeTags_;

//  Template function definitions

template<typename Range>
void BufferSystem::setReceiverInfo( const Range & range, bool changingSize )
   setReceiverInfo( range.begin(), range.end(), changingSize );

template<typename RankIter>
void BufferSystem::setReceiverInfo( RankIter rankBegin, RankIter rankEnd, bool changingSize )
   WALBERLA_ASSERT( ! communicationRunning_ );

   for ( auto it = rankBegin; it != rankEnd; ++it )
      const MPIRank sender = *it;
      recvInfos_[ sender ].size = INVALID_SIZE;

   sizeChangesEverytime_ = changingSize;
   setCommunicationType( false );

inline size_t BufferSystem::size() const
   size_t sum = 0;
   for( auto iter = sendInfos_.begin(); iter != sendInfos_.end(); ++iter )
      sum += iter->second.buffer.size();
   return sum;

} // namespace mpi
} // namespace walberla