# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Environment with all dependencies to use pystencils
# Download conda at and create this environment by running:
# conda env create -f conda_environment_user.yml
# . activate pystencils
# If you have CUDA installed and want to use your GPU, uncomment the last line to install pycuda
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name: pystencils
# Basic dependencies:
- numpy
- sympy >= 1.1
- appdirs # to find default cache directory on each platform
- joblib # caching on hard-disk, this is optional, but if not installed lbmpy is really slow
- cython # speed up boundary list computation (optional)
- matplotlib
- imageio
- pandas
- scipy
- pip
- pip:
- islpy # used to optimize staggered kernels
- py-cpuinfo # get cpu info like cache sizes, supported vector instruction sets, ...
- graphviz # can show abstract syntax trees as formatted graphs
- ipy_table # HTML tables for jupyter notebooks
- pyevtk # VTK output for serial simulations
- blitzdb # file-based No-SQL database to store simulation results
#- pycuda # add this if you have CUDA installed