from cbutil.postprocessing.sqlite import (build_iterate_query,
iterate_all_tables, query_join,
sqlite_context, tables2dict)
from cbutil.postprocessing.sqlite_helper import (from_stmt, join_stmt,
query_builder, select_stmt,
table_name_query, where_stmt)
from cbutil.util import time_conversion
def test_select():
assert select_stmt().strip() == "SELECT *"
assert select_stmt("test").strip() == "SELECT test"
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
select_stmt(" ")
def test_from():
assert from_stmt("table").strip() == "FROM table"
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
from_stmt(" ")
def test_where():
lhs = "lhs"
rhs = "rhs"
assert where_stmt(lhs, rhs).strip() == f"WHERE {lhs}={rhs}"
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
where_stmt("", lhs)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
where_stmt(" ", lhs)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
where_stmt(rhs, "")
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
where_stmt(rhs, " ")
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
where_stmt(rhs, lhs, "")
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
where_stmt(rhs, lhs, " ")
def test_join():
lhs = "lhs"
rhs = "rhs"
key = "key"
assert join_stmt(lhs, rhs, key).strip() == f"{lhs} inner join {rhs} on {lhs}.{key} = {rhs}.{key}"
def test_table_name():
assert table_name_query() == "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'"
def test_builder():
assert query_builder(from_table="table") == "SELECT * FROM table"
assert query_builder(select="row", from_table="table") == "SELECT row FROM table"
query = query_builder(select="row", from_table="table", where_args=["id", "0", "<"])
assert query == "SELECT row FROM table WHERE id<0"
def test_all_table_names():
with sqlite_context("tests/benchmark.sqlite") as connection:
names = get_all_table_names(connection)
assert sorted(["runs", "timingPool"]) == sorted(names)
def test_join_query():
with sqlite_context("tests/benchmark.sqlite") as connection:
dicts = list(tables2dict(query_join(connection, "runs", "timingPool", "runId")))
assert len(dicts) == 9
def test_iterate_query():
dicts = list(tables2dict(iterate_all_tables("tests/cpu_benchmark.sqlite3")))
assert len(dicts) == 150
def test_build_iterate():
with sqlite_context("tests/benchmark.sqlite") as connection:
for res in build_iterate_query(connection, from_table="timingPool",
where_args=["runId", 1]):
def test_time_stamp():
pattern = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
with sqlite_context("tests/benchmark.sqlite") as connection:
dicts = list(tables2dict(query_join(connection, "runs", "timingPool", "runId")))
for run in dicts:
ts = time_conversion(run["timestamp"], pattern=pattern)
date = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime(pattern)
assert run["timestamp"] == date