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Commit 9da0b109 authored by Girish Kumatagi's avatar Girish Kumatagi
Browse files

Merge branch 'mr_shifted_periodicity' into 'master'

Shifted Periodicity

See merge request walberla/walberla!680
parents 0d2ceae5 eb3f1c0f
No related merge requests found
Showing with 1571 additions and 27 deletions
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ add_subdirectory( blockforest )
add_subdirectory( boundary )
add_subdirectory( communication )
add_subdirectory( core )
add_subdirectory( gpu )
add_subdirectory( domain_decomposition )
add_subdirectory( executiontree )
......@@ -14,4 +14,5 @@ target_sources( boundary
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ target_sources( gpu
# sources only for CUDA
......@@ -56,29 +56,29 @@ namespace gpu
fOffset_(fOffset), indexingScheme_(indexingScheme )
__device__ void set( uint3 blockIdx, uint3 threadIdx )
__device__ void set( uint3 _blockIdx, uint3 _threadIdx )
switch ( indexingScheme_)
case FZYX: ptr_ += blockIdx.z * fOffset_ + blockIdx.y * zOffset_ + blockIdx.x * yOffset_ + threadIdx.x * xOffset_; break;
case FZY : ptr_ += blockIdx.y * fOffset_ + blockIdx.x * zOffset_ + threadIdx.x * yOffset_; break;
case FZ : ptr_ += blockIdx.x * fOffset_ + threadIdx.x * zOffset_; break;
case F : ptr_ += threadIdx.x * fOffset_; break;
case ZYXF: ptr_ += blockIdx.z * zOffset_ + blockIdx.y * yOffset_ + blockIdx.x * xOffset_ + threadIdx.x * fOffset_; break;
case ZYX : ptr_ += blockIdx.y * zOffset_ + blockIdx.x * yOffset_ + threadIdx.x * xOffset_; break;
case ZY : ptr_ += blockIdx.x * zOffset_ + threadIdx.x * yOffset_; break;
case Z : ptr_ += threadIdx.x * zOffset_; break;
case FZYX: ptr_ += _blockIdx.z * fOffset_ + _blockIdx.y * zOffset_ + _blockIdx.x * yOffset_ + _threadIdx.x * xOffset_; break;
case FZY : ptr_ += _blockIdx.y * fOffset_ + _blockIdx.x * zOffset_ + _threadIdx.x * yOffset_; break;
case FZ : ptr_ += _blockIdx.x * fOffset_ + _threadIdx.x * zOffset_; break;
case F : ptr_ += _threadIdx.x * fOffset_; break;
case ZYXF: ptr_ += _blockIdx.z * zOffset_ + _blockIdx.y * yOffset_ + _blockIdx.x * xOffset_ + _threadIdx.x * fOffset_; break;
case ZYX : ptr_ += _blockIdx.y * zOffset_ + _blockIdx.x * yOffset_ + _threadIdx.x * xOffset_; break;
case ZY : ptr_ += _blockIdx.x * zOffset_ + _threadIdx.x * yOffset_; break;
case Z : ptr_ += _threadIdx.x * zOffset_; break;
__device__ uint_t getLinearIndex( uint3 blockIdx, uint3 threadIdx, uint3 gridDim, uint3 blockDim )
__device__ uint_t getLinearIndex( uint3 _blockIdx, uint3 _threadIdx, uint3 _gridDim, uint3 _blockDim )
return threadIdx.x +
blockIdx.x * blockDim.x +
blockIdx.y * blockDim.x * gridDim.x +
blockIdx.z * blockDim.x * gridDim.x * gridDim.y ;
return _threadIdx.x +
_blockIdx.x * _blockDim.x +
_blockIdx.y * _blockDim.x * _gridDim.x +
_blockIdx.z * _blockDim.x * _gridDim.x * _gridDim.y ;
// This is always true for this specific field indexing class.
......@@ -38,17 +38,17 @@ namespace gpu
uint_t yOffset,
uint_t zOffset,
uint_t fOffset,
const dim3 & idxDim,
const dim3 & blockDim )
const dim3 & _idxDim,
const dim3 & _blockDim )
: ptr_( ptr ), xOffset_( xOffset ), yOffset_( yOffset ), zOffset_( zOffset ), fOffset_( fOffset ),
idxDim_( idxDim ), blockDim_( blockDim )
idxDim_( _idxDim ), blockDim_( _blockDim )
__device__ __forceinline__ void set( const uint3& blockIdx, const uint3& threadIdx )
__device__ __forceinline__ void set( const uint3& _blockIdx, const uint3& _threadIdx )
uint_t x = blockIdx.x * blockDim_.x + threadIdx.x;
uint_t y = blockIdx.y * blockDim_.y + threadIdx.y;
uint_t z = blockIdx.z * blockDim_.z + threadIdx.z;
uint_t x = _blockIdx.x * blockDim_.x + _threadIdx.x;
uint_t y = _blockIdx.y * blockDim_.y + _threadIdx.y;
uint_t z = _blockIdx.z * blockDim_.z + _threadIdx.z;
if ( x < idxDim_.x && y < idxDim_.y && z < idxDim_.z )
......@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ namespace gpu
: ptr_(ptr), xOffset_(xOffset), yOffset_(yOffset), zOffset_(zOffset), fOffset_(fOffset)
__device__ void set( uint3 blockIdx, uint3 threadIdx )
__device__ void set( uint3 _blockIdx, uint3 _threadIdx )
ptr_ += threadIdx.x * xOffset_ +
blockIdx.x * yOffset_ +
blockIdx.y * zOffset_ ;
ptr_ += _threadIdx.x * xOffset_ +
_blockIdx.x * yOffset_ +
_blockIdx.y * zOffset_ ;
__device__ T & get() { return * (T*)(ptr_); }
// This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <>.
//! \file
//! \ingroup gpu
//! \author Helen Schottenhamml <>
#include "gpu/ShiftedPeriodicity.h"
namespace walberla {
namespace gpu
namespace internal {
__global__ void packBufferGPU( gpu::FieldAccessor<real_t> fa, real_t * const buffer ) {
fa.set(blockIdx, threadIdx);
if(fa.isValidPosition()) {
buffer[fa.getLinearIndex(blockIdx, threadIdx, gridDim, blockDim)] = fa.get();
__global__ void unpackBufferGPU( gpu::FieldAccessor<real_t> fa, const real_t * const buffer ) {
fa.set(blockIdx, threadIdx);
if(fa.isValidPosition()) {
fa.get() = buffer[fa.getLinearIndex(blockIdx, threadIdx, gridDim, blockDim)];
__global__ void packBufferGPU( gpu::FieldAccessor<real_t>, real_t * const ) {
WALBERLA_ABORT("gpu/ShiftedPeriodicity only supported when built with GPU support. Please use boundary/ShiftedPeriodicity on CPUs")
__global__ void unpackBufferGPU( gpu::FieldAccessor<real_t>, const real_t * const ) {
WALBERLA_ABORT("gpu/ShiftedPeriodicity only supported when built with GPU support. Please use boundary/ShiftedPeriodicity on CPUs")
} // namespace gpu
} // namespace walberla
// This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <>.
//! \file ShiftedPeriodicity.h
//! \ingroup gpu
//! \author Helen Schottenhamml <>
#include "blockforest/StructuredBlockForest.h"
#include "boundary/ShiftedPeriodicity.h"
#include "core/DataTypes.h"
#include "core/cell/CellInterval.h"
#include "core/debug/Debug.h"
#include "core/math/Vector3.h"
#include "domain_decomposition/BlockDataID.h"
#include "domain_decomposition/IBlock.h"
#include "gpu/DeviceWrapper.h"
#include "gpu/FieldAccessor.h"
#include "gpu/FieldIndexing.h"
#include "gpu/GPUField.h"
#include "gpu/GPUWrapper.h"
#include "gpu/Kernel.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <device_launch_parameters.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "ErrorChecking.h"
namespace walberla {
namespace gpu
namespace internal {
// GPU kernels - can be extended for other data types
__global__ void packBufferGPU( gpu::FieldAccessor<real_t> fa, real_t * const buffer );
__global__ void unpackBufferGPU( gpu::FieldAccessor<real_t> fa, const real_t * const buffer );
* A periodicity boundary condition that adds a user-defined spatial shift to the field when applied.
* This shift can prevent the locking of large-scale turbulent features in the flow direction, see e.g.,
* Munters et al. (
* Periodicity defined in the blockforest must be turned off in the normal-direction.
* This class handles the GPU-specific packing and unpacking of the communication buffers.
* @tparam GhostLayerField_T Type of the ghost-layer field that is shifted periodically
template< typename GPUField_T >
class ShiftedPeriodicityGPU : public boundary::ShiftedPeriodicityBase<ShiftedPeriodicityGPU<GPUField_T>, GPUField_T> {
using Base = boundary::ShiftedPeriodicityBase<ShiftedPeriodicityGPU<GPUField_T>, GPUField_T>;
friend Base;
using ValueType = typename GPUField_T::value_type;
using ShiftType = typename Base::ShiftType;
using FieldIdx_T = gpu::FieldIndexing<ValueType>;
ShiftedPeriodicityGPU(const std::weak_ptr< StructuredBlockForest >& blockForest,
const BlockDataID& fieldID, const uint_t fieldGhostLayers,
const uint_t normalDir, const uint_t shiftDir, const ShiftType shiftValue)
: Base(blockForest, fieldID, fieldGhostLayers, normalDir, shiftDir, shiftValue)
void packBuffer(IBlock* const block, const CellInterval& ci, std::vector< ValueType >& h_buffer) {
// get field
auto d_field = block->getData< GPUField_T >(this->fieldID_);
const uint_t nValues = ci.numCells() * uint_c(this->fSize_);
// create GPU buffer
ValueType * d_buffer{};
WALBERLA_GPU_CHECK(gpuMalloc(&d_buffer, nValues * sizeof(ValueType)))
// fill buffer on GPU
auto packKernel = gpu::make_kernel( &internal::packBufferGPU );
packKernel.addFieldIndexingParam( FieldIdx_T::interval( *d_field, ci, 0, this->fSize_ ) );
// copy from device to host buffer
WALBERLA_GPU_CHECK(gpuMemcpy(, d_buffer, nValues * sizeof(ValueType), gpuMemcpyDeviceToHost))
void unpackBuffer(IBlock* const block, const CellInterval& ci, const std::vector< ValueType >& h_buffer) {
// get field
auto d_field = block->getData< GPUField_T >(this->fieldID_);
const uint_t nValues = ci.numCells() * uint_c(this->fSize_);
// create GPU buffer
ValueType * d_buffer{};
WALBERLA_GPU_CHECK(gpuMalloc(&d_buffer, nValues * sizeof(ValueType)))
// copy from host to device buffer
WALBERLA_GPU_CHECK(gpuMemcpy(d_buffer,, nValues * sizeof(ValueType), gpuMemcpyHostToDevice))
// unpack buffer on GPU
auto unpackKernel = gpu::make_kernel( &internal::unpackBufferGPU );
unpackKernel.addFieldIndexingParam( FieldIdx_T::interval( *d_field, ci, 0, this->fSize_ ) );
unpackKernel.addParam<const real_t*>(d_buffer);
}; // class ShiftedPeriodicity
} // namespace gpu
} // namespace walberla
......@@ -7,3 +7,14 @@
waLBerla_compile_test( FILES BoundaryHandling.cpp )
waLBerla_execute_test( NAME BoundaryHandling )
waLBerla_link_files_to_builddir( *.py )
waLBerla_compile_test( FILES TestShiftedPeriodicity.cpp DEPENDS blockforest field python_coupling )
waLBerla_execute_test( NAME TestShiftedPeriodicity1 COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:TestShiftedPeriodicity> ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ )
waLBerla_execute_test( NAME TestShiftedPeriodicity2 COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:TestShiftedPeriodicity> ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ PROCESSES 2 )
waLBerla_execute_test( NAME TestShiftedPeriodicity4 COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:TestShiftedPeriodicity> ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ PROCESSES 4 )
\ No newline at end of file
// This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <>.
//! \file TestShiftedPeriodicity.cpp
//! \ingroup boundary
//! \author Helen Schottenhamml <>
#include "blockforest/StructuredBlockForest.h"
#include "core/cell/Cell.h"
#include "core/cell/CellInterval.h"
#include "core/debug/CheckFunctions.h"
#include "core/logging/Initialization.h"
#include "core/math/Vector3.h"
#include "core/mpi/Environment.h"
#include "core/mpi/MPIWrapper.h"
#include "core/mpi/MPIManager.h"
#include "core/mpi/Operation.h"
#include "core/mpi/Reduce.h"
#include "domain_decomposition/BlockDataID.h"
#include "domain_decomposition/IBlock.h"
#include "field/Layout.h"
//#include "field/vtk/VTKWriter.h"
#include "python_coupling/CreateConfig.h"
#include "stencil/D3Q27.h"
#include "stencil/Directions.h"
#include <blockforest/Initialization.h>
#include <boundary/ShiftedPeriodicity.h>
#include <core/DataTypes.h>
#include <core/debug/Debug.h>
#include <core/debug/TestSubsystem.h>
#include <field/AddToStorage.h>
#include <field/GhostLayerField.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
namespace walberla {
using Stencil_T = stencil::D3Q27;
using ValueType_T = real_t;
using Field_T = GhostLayerField< ValueType_T, 3 >;
constexpr cell_idx_t fieldGhostLayers = 1;
// MAIN //
template< typename FieldType_T >
class FieldInitialiser {
FieldInitialiser( const std::weak_ptr< StructuredBlockForest > & sbf, const BlockDataID fieldId )
: sbf_(sbf), fieldId_(fieldId)
void operator()() {
const auto blocks = sbf_.lock();
for ( auto & block : *blocks )
// get field
auto * field = block.template getData<FieldType_T>(fieldId_);
// get cell interval
auto ci = field->xyzSizeWithGhostLayer();
for (const auto& cell : ci) {
// get global coordinates
Cell globalCell;
blocks->transformBlockLocalToGlobalCell(globalCell, block, cell);
for (uint_t d = 0; d < FieldType_T::F_SIZE; ++d)
field->get(cell, d) = real_c( (globalCell.x() + 2 * fieldGhostLayers)
* (globalCell.y() + 2 * fieldGhostLayers)
* (globalCell.z() + 2 * fieldGhostLayers)
* int_c(d + 1));
std::weak_ptr< StructuredBlockForest > sbf_{};
const BlockDataID fieldId_{};
int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
const mpi::Environment env(argc, argv);
for (auto cfg = python_coupling::configBegin(argc, argv); cfg != python_coupling::configEnd(); ++cfg)
auto config = *cfg;
// create the domain, flag field and vector field (non-uniform initialisation)
auto blocks = blockforest::createUniformBlockGridFromConfig(config->getBlock("DomainSetup"), nullptr, true);
const auto fieldID = field::addToStorage< Field_T >(blocks, "test field", real_t(0), field::Layout::fzyx, fieldGhostLayers);
FieldInitialiser< Field_T > initialiser(blocks, fieldID);
// re-initialise fields
// create periodic shift boundary condition
const auto spConfig = config->getBlock("Boundaries").getBlock("ShiftedPeriodicity");
const uint_t shiftDir = spConfig.getParameter<uint_t>("shiftDir");
const int shiftValue = spConfig.getParameter<int>("shiftValue");
const uint_t normalDir = spConfig.getParameter<uint_t>("normalDir");
boundary::ShiftedPeriodicity<Field_T> shiftedPeriodicity(
blocks, fieldID, fieldGhostLayers, normalDir, shiftDir, shiftValue
// auto vtkOutput = field::createVTKOutput<Field_T>(fieldID, *blocks, "test_field", 1, fieldGhostLayers,
// false, "vtk_out", "simulation_step", false, false);
// vtkOutput();
// apply boundary condition and standard communication
// vtkOutput();
/// compare values
// create local domain slices to compare values before and after shift
const uint_t remDir = 3 - shiftDir - normalDir;
const auto shift = shiftedPeriodicity.shift();
const uint_t shiftSize = blocks->getNumberOfCells(shiftDir);
const uint_t remSize = blocks->getNumberOfCells(remDir);
const uint_t sizeSlice = shiftSize * remSize * Field_T::F_SIZE;
std::vector<ValueType_T> innerMin(sizeSlice, ValueType_T(0));
std::vector<ValueType_T> innerMax(sizeSlice, ValueType_T(0));
std::vector<ValueType_T> glMin(sizeSlice, ValueType_T(0));
std::vector<ValueType_T> glMax(sizeSlice, ValueType_T(0));
auto getIdx = [&remSize](const cell_idx_t shiftIdx, const cell_idx_t remIdx){
return shiftIdx * cell_idx_c(Field_T::F_SIZE * remSize)
+ remIdx * cell_idx_c(Field_T::F_SIZE);
// fill slices for comparing values
for(auto & block : *blocks) {
const bool atMin = blocks->atDomainMinBorder(normalDir, block);
const bool atMax = blocks->atDomainMaxBorder(normalDir, block);
if(!atMin && !atMax)
auto * field = block.getData<Field_T>(fieldID);
// fill innerMin and glMin
if(atMin) {
Vector3<int> dirVector{};
dirVector[normalDir] = -1;
const auto dir = stencil::vectorToDirection(dirVector);
CellInterval innerMinCI;
CellInterval glMinCI;
field->getSliceBeforeGhostLayer(dir, innerMinCI, fieldGhostLayers, false);
field->getGhostRegion(dir, glMinCI, fieldGhostLayers, false);
// fill inner min
for(const auto & cell : innerMinCI){
Cell globalCell;
blocks->transformBlockLocalToGlobalCell(globalCell, block, cell);
cell_idx_t idxShiftDir = globalCell[shiftDir] - shift[shiftDir];
if(idxShiftDir >= cell_idx_c(shiftSize)) idxShiftDir -= cell_idx_c(shiftSize);
if(idxShiftDir <= - int_c(fieldGhostLayers)) idxShiftDir += cell_idx_c(shiftSize);
const cell_idx_t idx = getIdx(idxShiftDir, cell_idx_c(globalCell[remDir]));
for(cell_idx_t f = 0; f < cell_idx_c(Field_T::F_SIZE); ++f) {
WALBERLA_ASSERT(field->coordinatesValid(cell.x(), cell.y(), cell.z(), f))
WALBERLA_ASSERT_LESS(idx + f, innerMin.size())
innerMin[uint_c(idx + f)] = field->get(cell, f);
// fill gl min
for(const auto & cell : glMinCI){
Cell globalCell;
blocks->transformBlockLocalToGlobalCell(globalCell, block, cell);
const cell_idx_t idx = getIdx(cell_idx_c(globalCell[shiftDir]), globalCell[remDir]);
for(cell_idx_t f = 0; f < cell_idx_c(Field_T::F_SIZE); ++f) {
WALBERLA_ASSERT(field->coordinatesValid(cell.x(), cell.y(), cell.z(), f))
WALBERLA_ASSERT_LESS(idx + f, glMin.size())
glMin[uint_c(idx + f)] = field->get(cell, f);
// fill innerMax and glMax
if(atMax) {
Vector3<int> dirVector{};
dirVector[normalDir] = 1;
const auto dir = stencil::vectorToDirection(dirVector);
CellInterval innerMaxCI;
CellInterval glMaxCI;
field->getSliceBeforeGhostLayer(dir, innerMaxCI, fieldGhostLayers, false);
field->getGhostRegion(dir, glMaxCI, fieldGhostLayers, false);
// fill inner max
for(const auto & cell : innerMaxCI){
Cell globalCell;
blocks->transformBlockLocalToGlobalCell(globalCell, block, cell);
cell_idx_t idxShiftDir = globalCell[shiftDir] + shift[shiftDir];
if(idxShiftDir >= cell_idx_c(shiftSize)) idxShiftDir -= cell_idx_c(shiftSize);
if(idxShiftDir <= - int_c(fieldGhostLayers)) idxShiftDir += cell_idx_c(shiftSize);
const cell_idx_t idx = getIdx(idxShiftDir, cell_idx_c(globalCell[remDir]));
for(cell_idx_t f = 0; f < cell_idx_c(Field_T::F_SIZE); ++f) {
WALBERLA_ASSERT(field->coordinatesValid(cell.x(), cell.y(), cell.z(), f))
WALBERLA_ASSERT_LESS(idx + f, innerMax.size())
innerMax[uint_c(idx + f)] = field->get(cell, f);
// fill gl max
for(const auto & cell : glMaxCI){
Cell globalCell;
blocks->transformBlockLocalToGlobalCell(globalCell, block, cell);
const cell_idx_t idx = getIdx(cell_idx_c(globalCell[shiftDir]), cell_idx_c(globalCell[remDir]));
for(cell_idx_t f = 0; f < cell_idx_c(Field_T::F_SIZE); ++f) {
WALBERLA_ASSERT(field->coordinatesValid(cell.x(), cell.y(), cell.z(), f))
WALBERLA_ASSERT_LESS(idx + f, glMax.size())
glMax[uint_c(idx + f)] = field->get(cell, f);
mpi::reduceInplace(innerMin, mpi::SUM);
mpi::reduceInplace(innerMax, mpi::SUM);
mpi::reduceInplace(glMin, mpi::SUM);
mpi::reduceInplace(glMax, mpi::SUM);
for(uint_t i = 0; i < sizeSlice; ++i) {
return 0;
} // namespace walberla
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
return walberla::main(argc,argv);
import waLBerla as wlb
class Scenario:
def __init__(self, normal_dir, shift_dir, shift_value, periodicity):
self.normal_dir = normal_dir
self.shift_dir = shift_dir
self.shift_value = shift_value
self.periodicity = tuple(periodicity)
def config(self):
return {
'DomainSetup': {
'blocks': (3, 3, 3),
'cellsPerBlock': (4, 4, 4),
'cartesianSetup': 0,
'periodic': self.periodicity,
'Boundaries': {
'ShiftedPeriodicity': {
'shiftDir': self.shift_dir,
'shiftValue': self.shift_value,
'normalDir': self.normal_dir
'Logging': {
'logLevel': "Info"
scenarios = wlb.ScenarioManager()
for normal_dir in (0, 1, 2):
for shift_dir in (0, 1, 2):
if normal_dir == shift_dir:
periodicity = 3 * [0]
periodicity[shift_dir] = 1
for shift_value in (-3, 0, 2, 5, 8, 15):
scenarios.add(Scenario(normal_dir, shift_dir, shift_value, periodicity))
......@@ -56,4 +56,14 @@ waLBerla_generate_target_from_python(NAME CodegenGeneratedGPUFieldPackInfo FILE
waLBerla_compile_test( FILES codegen/GeneratedFieldPackInfoTestGPU.cpp
DEPENDS blockforest core field CodegenGeneratedGPUFieldPackInfo )
waLBerla_execute_test( NAME GeneratedFieldPackInfoTestGPU )
waLBerla_link_files_to_builddir( *.py )
waLBerla_compile_test( FILES TestShiftedPeriodicityGPU.cpp DEPENDS gpu blockforest field python_coupling )
waLBerla_execute_test( NAME TestShiftedPeriodicityGPU COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:TestShiftedPeriodicityGPU> ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ )
// This file is part of waLBerla. waLBerla is free software: you can
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// waLBerla is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with waLBerla (see COPYING.txt). If not, see <>.
//! \file TestShiftedPeriodicityGPU.cpp
//! \ingroup gpu
//! \author Helen Schottenhamml <>
#include "blockforest/StructuredBlockForest.h"
#include "core/cell/Cell.h"
#include "core/cell/CellInterval.h"
#include "core/debug/CheckFunctions.h"
#include "core/logging/Initialization.h"
#include "core/math/Vector3.h"
#include "core/mpi/Environment.h"
#include "core/mpi/MPIWrapper.h"
#include "core/mpi/MPIManager.h"
#include "core/mpi/Operation.h"
#include "core/mpi/Reduce.h"
#include "domain_decomposition/BlockDataID.h"
#include "domain_decomposition/IBlock.h"
#include "field/Layout.h"
#include "field/vtk/VTKWriter.h"
#include "python_coupling/CreateConfig.h"
#include "stencil/D3Q27.h"
#include "stencil/Directions.h"
#include <blockforest/Initialization.h>
#include <gpu/ShiftedPeriodicity.h>
#include <gpu/AddGPUFieldToStorage.h>
#include <gpu/FieldCopy.h>
#include <core/DataTypes.h>
#include <core/debug/Debug.h>
#include <core/debug/TestSubsystem.h>
#include <field/AddToStorage.h>
#include <field/GhostLayerField.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
namespace walberla {
using Stencil_T = stencil::D3Q27;
using ValueType_T = real_t;
using Field_T = GhostLayerField< ValueType_T, 3 >;
using GPUField_T = gpu::GPUField< ValueType_T >;
constexpr cell_idx_t fieldGhostLayers = 1;
// MAIN //
template< typename FieldType_T >
class FieldInitialiser {
FieldInitialiser( const std::weak_ptr< StructuredBlockForest > & sbf, const BlockDataID fieldId )
: sbf_(sbf), fieldId_(fieldId)
void operator()() {
const auto blocks = sbf_.lock();
for ( auto & block : *blocks )
// get field
auto * field = block.template getData<FieldType_T>(fieldId_);
// get cell interval
auto ci = field->xyzSizeWithGhostLayer();
for (const auto& cell : ci) {
// get global coordinates
Cell globalCell;
blocks->transformBlockLocalToGlobalCell(globalCell, block, cell);
for (uint_t d = 0; d < FieldType_T::F_SIZE; ++d)
field->get(cell, d) = real_c( (globalCell.x() + 2 * fieldGhostLayers)
* (globalCell.y() + 2 * fieldGhostLayers)
* (globalCell.z() + 2 * fieldGhostLayers)
* int_c(d + 1));
std::weak_ptr< StructuredBlockForest > sbf_{};
const BlockDataID fieldId_{};
int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
const mpi::Environment env(argc, argv);
for (auto cfg = python_coupling::configBegin(argc, argv); cfg != python_coupling::configEnd(); ++cfg)
auto config = *cfg;
// create the domain, flag field and vector field (non-uniform initialisation)
auto blocks = blockforest::createUniformBlockGridFromConfig(config->getBlock("DomainSetup"), nullptr, true);
const auto h_fieldID = field::addToStorage< Field_T >(blocks, "test field CPU", real_t(0), field::Layout::fzyx, fieldGhostLayers);
FieldInitialiser< Field_T > initialiser(blocks, h_fieldID);
const auto d_fieldID = gpu::addGPUFieldToStorage< Field_T >(blocks, h_fieldID, "test field GPU");
// re-initialise fields
// create periodic shift boundary condition
const auto spConfig = config->getBlock("Boundaries").getBlock("ShiftedPeriodicity");
const uint_t shiftDir = spConfig.getParameter<uint_t>("shiftDir");
const int shiftValue = spConfig.getParameter<int>("shiftValue");
const uint_t normalDir = spConfig.getParameter<uint_t>("normalDir");
gpu::ShiftedPeriodicityGPU<GPUField_T> shiftedPeriodicity(
blocks, d_fieldID, fieldGhostLayers, normalDir, shiftDir, shiftValue
// auto vtkOutput = field::createVTKOutput<Field_T>(fieldID, *blocks, "test_field", 1, fieldGhostLayers,
// false, "vtk_out", "simulation_step", false, false);
// vtkOutput();
// apply boundary condition and standard communication
// vtkOutput();
/// compare values
// copy resulting GPU to CPU
gpu::fieldCpy<Field_T, GPUField_T>(blocks, h_fieldID, d_fieldID);
// create local domain slices to compare values before and after shift
const uint_t remDir = 3 - shiftDir - normalDir;
const auto shift = shiftedPeriodicity.shift();
const uint_t shiftSize = blocks->getNumberOfCells(shiftDir);
const uint_t remSize = blocks->getNumberOfCells(remDir);
const uint_t sizeSlice = shiftSize * remSize * Field_T::F_SIZE;
std::vector<ValueType_T> innerMin(sizeSlice, ValueType_T(0));
std::vector<ValueType_T> innerMax(sizeSlice, ValueType_T(0));
std::vector<ValueType_T> glMin(sizeSlice, ValueType_T(0));
std::vector<ValueType_T> glMax(sizeSlice, ValueType_T(0));
auto getIdx = [&remSize](const cell_idx_t shiftIdx, const cell_idx_t remIdx){
return shiftIdx * cell_idx_c(Field_T::F_SIZE * remSize)
+ remIdx * cell_idx_c(Field_T::F_SIZE);
// fill slices for comparing values
for(auto & block : *blocks) {
const bool atMin = blocks->atDomainMinBorder(normalDir, block);
const bool atMax = blocks->atDomainMaxBorder(normalDir, block);
if(!atMin && !atMax)
auto * field = block.getData<Field_T>(h_fieldID);
// fill innerMin and glMin
if(atMin) {
Vector3<int> dirVector{};
dirVector[normalDir] = -1;
const auto dir = stencil::vectorToDirection(dirVector);
CellInterval innerMinCI;
CellInterval glMinCI;
field->getSliceBeforeGhostLayer(dir, innerMinCI, fieldGhostLayers, false);
field->getGhostRegion(dir, glMinCI, fieldGhostLayers, false);
// fill inner min
for(const auto & cell : innerMinCI){
Cell globalCell;
blocks->transformBlockLocalToGlobalCell(globalCell, block, cell);
cell_idx_t idxShiftDir = globalCell[shiftDir] - shift[shiftDir];
if(idxShiftDir >= cell_idx_c(shiftSize)) idxShiftDir -= cell_idx_c(shiftSize);
if(idxShiftDir <= - int_c(fieldGhostLayers)) idxShiftDir += cell_idx_c(shiftSize);
const cell_idx_t idx = getIdx(idxShiftDir, cell_idx_c(globalCell[remDir]));
for(cell_idx_t f = 0; f < cell_idx_c(Field_T::F_SIZE); ++f) {
WALBERLA_ASSERT(field->coordinatesValid(cell.x(), cell.y(), cell.z(), f))
WALBERLA_ASSERT_LESS(idx + f, innerMin.size())
innerMin[uint_c(idx + f)] = field->get(cell, f);
// fill gl min
for(const auto & cell : glMinCI){
Cell globalCell;
blocks->transformBlockLocalToGlobalCell(globalCell, block, cell);
const cell_idx_t idx = getIdx(cell_idx_c(globalCell[shiftDir]), globalCell[remDir]);
for(cell_idx_t f = 0; f < cell_idx_c(Field_T::F_SIZE); ++f) {
WALBERLA_ASSERT(field->coordinatesValid(cell.x(), cell.y(), cell.z(), f))
WALBERLA_ASSERT_LESS(idx + f, glMin.size())
glMin[uint_c(idx + f)] = field->get(cell, f);
// fill innerMax and glMax
if(atMax) {
Vector3<int> dirVector{};
dirVector[normalDir] = 1;
const auto dir = stencil::vectorToDirection(dirVector);
CellInterval innerMaxCI;
CellInterval glMaxCI;
field->getSliceBeforeGhostLayer(dir, innerMaxCI, fieldGhostLayers, false);
field->getGhostRegion(dir, glMaxCI, fieldGhostLayers, false);
// fill inner max
for(const auto & cell : innerMaxCI){
Cell globalCell;
blocks->transformBlockLocalToGlobalCell(globalCell, block, cell);
cell_idx_t idxShiftDir = globalCell[shiftDir] + shift[shiftDir];
if(idxShiftDir >= cell_idx_c(shiftSize)) idxShiftDir -= cell_idx_c(shiftSize);
if(idxShiftDir <= - int_c(fieldGhostLayers)) idxShiftDir += cell_idx_c(shiftSize);
const cell_idx_t idx = getIdx(idxShiftDir, cell_idx_c(globalCell[remDir]));
for(cell_idx_t f = 0; f < cell_idx_c(Field_T::F_SIZE); ++f) {
WALBERLA_ASSERT(field->coordinatesValid(cell.x(), cell.y(), cell.z(), f))
WALBERLA_ASSERT_LESS(idx + f, innerMax.size())
innerMax[uint_c(idx + f)] = field->get(cell, f);
// fill gl min
for(const auto & cell : glMaxCI){
Cell globalCell;
blocks->transformBlockLocalToGlobalCell(globalCell, block, cell);
const cell_idx_t idx = getIdx(cell_idx_c(globalCell[shiftDir]), cell_idx_c(globalCell[remDir]));
for(cell_idx_t f = 0; f < cell_idx_c(Field_T::F_SIZE); ++f) {
WALBERLA_ASSERT(field->coordinatesValid(cell.x(), cell.y(), cell.z(), f))
WALBERLA_ASSERT_LESS(idx + f, glMax.size())
glMax[uint_c(idx + f)] = field->get(cell, f);
mpi::reduceInplace(innerMin, mpi::SUM);
mpi::reduceInplace(innerMax, mpi::SUM);
mpi::reduceInplace(glMin, mpi::SUM);
mpi::reduceInplace(glMax, mpi::SUM);
for(uint_t i = 0; i < sizeSlice; ++i) {
return 0;
} // namespace walberla
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
return walberla::main(argc,argv);
import waLBerla as wlb
class Scenario:
def __init__(self, normal_dir, shift_dir, shift_value, periodicity):
self.normal_dir = normal_dir
self.shift_dir = shift_dir
self.shift_value = shift_value
self.periodicity = tuple(periodicity)
def config(self):
return {
'DomainSetup': {
'blocks': (3, 3, 3),
'cellsPerBlock': (4, 4, 4),
'cartesianSetup': 0,
'periodic': self.periodicity,
'Boundaries': {
'ShiftedPeriodicity': {
'shiftDir': self.shift_dir,
'shiftValue': self.shift_value,
'normalDir': self.normal_dir
scenarios = wlb.ScenarioManager()
for normal_dir in (0, 1, 2):
for shift_dir in (0, 1, 2):
if normal_dir == shift_dir:
periodicity = 3 * [0]
periodicity[shift_dir] = 1
for shift_value in (-3, 0, 2, 5, 8, 15):
scenarios.add(Scenario(normal_dir, shift_dir, shift_value, periodicity))
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