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Test Poiseuille channel against analytical solution for several stencils

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This test revealed a problem with OpenCL (
Test Poiseuille flow against analytical solution
import numpy as np
import pytest
import sympy as sp
import lbmpy
from lbmpy.boundaries import NoSlip
from lbmpy.boundaries.boundaryhandling import LatticeBoltzmannBoundaryHandling
from lbmpy.creationfunctions import create_lb_update_rule, create_stream_pull_with_output_kernel
from lbmpy.macroscopic_value_kernels import macroscopic_values_setter
from lbmpy.session import *
from pystencils.session import *
from lbmpy.stencils import get_stencil
previous_vmids = {}
previous_endresults = {}
import pystencils as ps
def poiseuille_flow(z, H, ext_force_density, dyn_visc):
Analytical solution for plane Poiseuille flow.
z : :obj:`float`
Distance to the mid plane of the channel.
H : :obj:`float`
Distance between the boundaries.
ext_force_density : :obj:`float`
Force density on the fluid normal to the boundaries.
dyn_visc : :obj:`float`
Dynamic viscosity of the LB fluid.
return ext_force_density * 1. / (2 * dyn_visc) * (H**2.0 / 4.0 - z**2.0)
rho_0 = 1.2 # density
eta = 0.2 # kinematic viscosity
width = 41 # of box
actual_width = width - 2 # subtract boundary layer from box width
ext_force_density = 0.2 / actual_width**2 # scale by width to keep stable
@pytest.mark.parametrize('target', ('cpu', 'gpu', 'opencl'))
def test_poiseuille_channel(target):
# # Lattice Boltzmann
# ## Definitions
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stencil_name', ("D2Q9", "D3Q19",))
def test_poiseuille_channel(target, stencil_name):
# OpenCL and Cuda
if target == 'opencl':
import pytest
@@ -30,65 +55,72 @@ def test_poiseuille_channel(target):
import pytest
# In[2]:
# LB parameters
lb_stencil = get_stencil(stencil_name)
dim = len(lb_stencil[0])
L = (34, 34)
if dim == 2:
L = [4, width]
elif dim == 3:
L = [4, width, 4]
raise Exception()
periodicity = [True, False] + [True] * (dim - 2)
lb_stencil = get_stencil("D2Q9")
eta = 1
omega = lbmpy.relaxationrates.relaxation_rate_from_lattice_viscosity(eta)
f_pre = 0.00001
# ## Data structures
# In[3]:
dh = ps.create_data_handling(L, periodicity=(True, False), default_target=target)
opts = {'cpu_openmp': True,
'cpu_vectorize_info': None,
'target': dh.default_target}
dh = ps.create_data_handling(L, periodicity=periodicity, default_target=target)
src = dh.add_array('src', values_per_cell=len(lb_stencil))
dst = dh.add_array_like('dst', 'src')
ρ = dh.add_array('rho', latex_name='\\rho')
u = dh.add_array('u', values_per_cell=dh.dim)
# In[4]:
# LB Setup
collision = create_lb_update_rule(stencil=lb_stencil,
force=sp.Matrix([f_pre, 0]),
force=sp.Matrix([ext_force_density] + [0] * (dim - 1)),
optimization={'symbolic_field': src})
stream = create_stream_pull_with_output_kernel(collision.method, src, dst, {'velocity': u})
lbbh = LatticeBoltzmannBoundaryHandling(collision.method, dh,, target=dh.default_target)
opts = {'cpu_openmp': False,
'cpu_vectorize_info': None,
'target': dh.default_target}
stream_kernel = ps.create_kernel(stream, **opts).compile()
collision_kernel = ps.create_kernel(collision, **opts).compile()
# ## Set up the simulation
# Boundaries
lbbh = LatticeBoltzmannBoundaryHandling(collision.method, dh,, target=dh.default_target)
# In[5]:
# ## Set up the simulation
init = macroscopic_values_setter(collision.method, velocity=(0,)*dh.dim,
init = macroscopic_values_setter(collision.method, velocity=(0,) * dh.dim,
pdfs=src.center_vector, density=ρ.center)
init_kernel = ps.create_kernel(init, ghost_layers=0).compile()
noslip = NoSlip()
lbbh.set_boundary(noslip, make_slice[:, :4])
lbbh.set_boundary(noslip, make_slice[:, -4:])
wall_thickness = 2
if dim == 2:
lbbh.set_boundary(noslip, ps.make_slice[:, :wall_thickness])
lbbh.set_boundary(noslip, ps.make_slice[:, -wall_thickness:])
elif dim == 3:
lbbh.set_boundary(noslip, ps.make_slice[:, :wall_thickness, :])
lbbh.set_boundary(noslip, ps.make_slice[:, -wall_thickness:, :])
raise Exception()
for bh in lbbh, :
assert len(bh._boundary_object_to_boundary_info) == 1, "Restart kernel to clear boundaries"
def init():
dh.fill(ρ.name, 1)
dh.fill(ρ.name, rho_0)
dh.fill(, np.nan, ghost_layers=True, inner_ghost_layers=True)
dh.fill(, 0)
@@ -98,10 +130,11 @@ def test_poiseuille_channel(target):
sync_pdfs = dh.synchronization_function([])
# Time loop
def time_loop(steps):
vmid = np.empty((2, steps//10+1))
i = -1
last_max_vel = -1
for i in range(steps):
@@ -110,71 +143,41 @@ def test_poiseuille_channel(target):
if i % 10 == 0:
# Consider early termination
if i % 100 == 0:
if in dh.gpu_arrays:
uu = dh.gather_array(
uu = uu[L[0]//2-1:L[0]//2+1, L[1]//2-1:L[1]//2+1, 0].mean()
vmid[:, i//10] = [i, uu]
if 1/np.sqrt(3) < uu:
if dh.is_on_gpu(
return vmid[:, :i//10+1]
# average periodic directions
if dim == 3: # dont' swap order
uu = np.average(uu, axis=2)
uu = np.average(uu, axis=0)
# In[7]:
# def plot():
# plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
# plt.title("$u$")
# plt.xlabel("$x$")
# plt.ylabel("$y$")
# plt.vector_field_magnitude(uu)
# plt.colorbar()
# plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
# plt.title("$u$")
# plt.xlabel("$x/2$")
# plt.ylabel("$y/2$")
# plt.vector_field(uu, step=2)
# actualwidth = np.sum(1-np.isnan(uu[0, :, 0]))
# uref = f_pre*actualwidth**2/(8*(eta))
# plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
# plt.title("flow profile")
# plt.xlabel("$y$")
# plt.ylabel(r"$u_x$")
# plt.plot((uu[L[0]//2-1, :, 0]+uu[L[0]//2, :, 0])/2)
max_vel = np.nanmax(uu)
if np.abs(max_vel / last_max_vel - 1) < 5E-6:
last_max_vel = max_vel
# plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
# plt.title("convergence")
# plt.xlabel("$t$")
# plt.plot()
# cut off wall regions
uu = uu[wall_thickness:-wall_thickness]
# ## Run the simulation
# correct for f/2 term
uu -= np.array([ext_force_density / 2 / rho_0] + [0] * (dim - 1))
# In[8]:
return uu
vmid = time_loop(1000)
# plot()
uu = dh.gather_array(
# Simulation
profile = time_loop(5000)
for target, prev_endresult in previous_endresults.items():
assert np.allclose(uu[4:-4, 4:-4, 0], prev_endresult[4:-4, 4:-4, 0],
atol=1e-5), f'uu does not agree with result from {target}'
# compare against analytical solution
# The profile is of shape (n,3). Force is in x-direction
y = np.arange(len(profile[:, 0]))
mid = (y[-1] - y[0]) / 2 # Mid point of channel
for target, prev_vmid in previous_vmids.items():
assert np.allclose(vmid, prev_vmid, atol=1e-5), f'vmid does not agree with result from {target}'
expected = poiseuille_flow((y - mid), actual_width, ext_force_density, rho_0 * eta)
# uref = f_pre*actualwidth**2/(8*(eta))
# actualwidth = np.sum(1-np.isnan(uu[0, :, 0]))
# assert np.allclose(vmid[1, -1]/uref, 1, atol=1e-3)
# print(vmid[1, -1])
np.testing.assert_allclose(profile[:, 0], expected, rtol=0.006)
previous_vmids[target] = vmid
previous_endresults[target] = uu
# Test zero vel in other directions
np.testing.assert_allclose(profile[:, 1:], np.zeros_like(profile[:, 1:]), atol=1E-9)