from pystencils.typing import FieldPointerSymbol, FieldStrideSymbol, FieldShapeSymbol
from ...tree import SfgStatements
from ..source_objects import SrcField, SrcVector
from ...types import SrcType, PsType, cpp_typename
from ...source_components.header_include import SfgHeaderInclude
from ...exceptions import SfgException
def __init__(self, identifer: str, T: Union[SrcType, PsType], unsafe: bool = False):
typestring = f"std::vector< {cpp_typename(T)} >"
super(std_vector, self).__init__(SrcType(typestring), identifer)
self._element_type = T
self._unsafe = unsafe
return {SfgHeaderInclude("vector", system_header=True)}
def extract_ptr(self, ptr_symbol: FieldPointerSymbol):
if ptr_symbol.dtype != self._element_type:
if self._unsafe:
mapping = f"{ptr_symbol.dtype} {} = ({ptr_symbol.dtype}) {self._identifier}.data();"
raise SfgException(
"Field type and std::vector element type do not match, and unsafe extraction was not enabled.")
mapping = f"{ptr_symbol.dtype} {} = {self._identifier}.data();"
return SfgStatements(mapping, (ptr_symbol,), (self,))
def extract_size(self, coordinate: int, size: Union[int, FieldShapeSymbol]) -> SfgStatements:
if coordinate > 0:
raise SfgException(f"Cannot extract size in coordinate {coordinate} from std::vector")
if isinstance(size, FieldShapeSymbol):
return SfgStatements(
f"{size.dtype} {} = {self._identifier}.size();",
(size, ),
(self, )
return SfgStatements(
f"assert( {self._identifier}.size() == {size} );",
(), (self, )
def extract_stride(self, coordinate: int, stride: Union[int, FieldStrideSymbol]) -> SfgStatements:
if coordinate > 0:
raise SfgException(f"Cannot extract stride in coordinate {coordinate} from std::vector")
if isinstance(stride, FieldStrideSymbol):
return SfgStatements(f"{stride.dtype} {} = 1;", (stride, ), ())
return SfgStatements(f"assert( 1 == {stride} );", (), ())
def extract_component(self, destination: TypedSymbolOrObject, coordinate: int):
if self._unsafe:
mapping = f"{destination.dtype} {} = {self._identifier}[{coordinate}];"
mapping = f"{destination.dtype} {} = {self._identifier}.at({coordinate});"
return SfgStatements(mapping, (destination,), (self,))
class std_vector_ref(std_vector):
def __init__(self, identifer: str, T: Union[SrcType, PsType]):
super(std_vector_ref, self).__init__(identifer, SrcType(typestring))