from __future__ import annotations
from .basic_nodes import SfgCallTreeNode, SfgCallTreeLeaf, SfgSequence, SfgStatements
from .deferred_nodes import SfgParamCollectionDeferredNode
from ..source_concepts.source_objects import TypedSymbolOrObject
from ..context import SfgContext
class FlattenSequences():
"""Flattens any nested sequences occuring in a kernel call tree."""
def visit(self, node: SfgCallTreeNode) -> None:
def sequence(self, sequence: SfgSequence) -> None:
def flatten(seq: SfgSequence):
for c in seq.children:
if isinstance(c, SfgSequence):
for c in children_flattened:
sequence._children = children_flattened
class CollectIncludes:
def visit(self, node: SfgCallTreeNode):
includes = node.required_includes
for c in node.children:
includes |= self.visit(c)
return includes
class ExpandingParameterCollector():
"""Collects all parameters required but not defined in a kernel call tree.
Expands any deferred nodes of type `SfgParamCollectionDeferredNode` found within sequences on the way.
def __init__(self, ctx: SfgContext) -> None:
self._ctx = ctx
self._flattener = FlattenSequences()
def visit(self, node: SfgCallTreeNode) -> set[TypedSymbolOrObject]:
return self.branching_node(node)
def leaf(self, leaf: SfgCallTreeLeaf) -> set[TypedSymbolOrObject]:
def sequence(self, sequence: SfgSequence) -> set[TypedSymbolOrObject]:
Only in a sequence may parameters be defined and visible to subsequent nodes.
def iter_nested_sequences(seq: SfgSequence, visible_params: set[TypedSymbolOrObject]):
for i in range(len(seq.children) - 1, -1, -1):
c = seq.children[i]
if isinstance(c, SfgParamCollectionDeferredNode):
c = c.expand(self._ctx, visible_params=visible_params)
if isinstance(c, SfgSequence):
iter_nested_sequences(c, visible_params)
if isinstance(c, SfgStatements):
visible_params |= self.visit(c)
iter_nested_sequences(sequence, params)
return params
def branching_node(self, node: SfgCallTreeNode) -> set[TypedSymbolOrObject]:
Each interior node that is not a sequence simply requires the union of all parameters
required by its children.
return reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, (self.visit(c) for c in node.children), set())
"""Collects all parameters required but not defined in a kernel call tree.
Requires that all sequences in the tree are flattened.
def visit(self, node: SfgCallTreeNode) -> set[TypedSymbolOrObject]:
return self.branching_node(node)
def leaf(self, leaf: SfgCallTreeLeaf) -> set[TypedSymbolOrObject]:
def sequence(self, sequence: SfgSequence) -> set[TypedSymbolOrObject]:
Only in a sequence may parameters be defined and visible to subsequent nodes.
if isinstance(c, SfgStatements):
assert not isinstance(c, SfgSequence), "Sequence not flattened."
def branching_node(self, node: SfgCallTreeNode) -> set[TypedSymbolOrObject]:
Each interior node that is not a sequence simply requires the union of all parameters
required by its children.
return reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, (self.visit(c) for c in node.children), set())