import os
from os import path
from .config import SfgConfig, CommandLineParameters, OutputMode, GLOBAL_NAMESPACE
from .context import SfgContext
from .emission import AbstractEmitter, OutputSpec
from .exceptions import SfgException
class SourceFileGenerator:
"""Context manager that controls the code generation process in generator scripts.
The `SourceFileGenerator` must be used as a context manager by calling it within
a ``with`` statement in the top-level code of a generator script (see :ref:`guide:generator_scripts`).
Upon entry to its context, it creates an :class:`SfgComposer` which can be used to populate the generated files.
When the managed region finishes, the code files are generated and written to disk at the locations
defined by the configuration.
Existing copies of the target files are deleted on entry to the managed region,
and if an exception occurs within the managed region, no files are exported.
sfg_config: Inline configuration for the code generator
keep_unknown_argv: If `True`, any command line arguments given to the generator script
that the `SourceFileGenerator` does not understand are stored in
def __init__(
self, sfg_config: SfgConfig | None = None, keep_unknown_argv: bool = False
if sfg_config and not isinstance(sfg_config, SfgConfig):
raise TypeError("sfg_config is not an SfgConfiguration.")
import __main__
if not hasattr(__main__, "__file__"):
raise SfgException(
"Invalid execution environment: "
"It seems that you are trying to run the `SourceFileGenerator` in an environment "
"without a valid entry point, such as a REPL or a multiprocessing fork."
scriptpath = __main__.__file__
scriptname = path.split(scriptpath)[1]
basename = path.splitext(scriptname)[0]
from argparse import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser(
description="Generator script using pystencils-sfg",
if keep_unknown_argv:
sfg_args, script_args = parser.parse_known_args()
sfg_args = parser.parse_args()
script_args = []
cli_params = CommandLineParameters(sfg_args)
config = cli_params.get_config()
if sfg_config is not None:
None if config.outer_namespace is GLOBAL_NAMESPACE else config.outer_namespace, # type: ignore
from import SfgHeaderInclude
self._context.add_include(SfgHeaderInclude("cstdint", system_header=True))
self._context.add_definition("#define RESTRICT __restrict__")
output_mode = config.get_option("output_mode")
output_spec = OutputSpec.create(config, basename)
match output_mode:
case OutputMode.HEADER_ONLY:
self._emitter = HeaderOnlyEmitter(
output_spec, clang_format=config.clang_format
case OutputMode.INLINE:
from .emission import HeaderImplPairEmitter
self._emitter = HeaderImplPairEmitter(
output_spec, inline_impl=True, clang_format=config.clang_format
case OutputMode.STANDALONE:
self._emitter = HeaderImplPairEmitter(
output_spec, clang_format=config.clang_format
def clean_files(self):
for file in self._emitter.output_files:
if path.exists(file):
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
if exc_type is None: