from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union, TypeAlias
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from pystencils import TypedSymbol, Field
from pystencils.typing import FieldPointerSymbol, FieldStrideSymbol, FieldShapeSymbol
from ..source_components import SfgHeaderInclude
from ..tree import SfgStatements, SfgSequence
class SrcObject:
"""C/C++ object of nonprimitive type.
Two objects are identical if they have the same identifier and type string."""
def __init__(self, src_type: SrcType, identifier: Optional[str]):
self._src_type = src_type
self._identifier = identifier
def identifier(self):
return self._identifier
def name(self):
"""For interface compatibility with ps.TypedSymbol"""
return self._identifier
def dtype(self):
return self._src_type
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash((self._identifier, self._src_type))
and self._identifier == other._identifier
and self._src_type == other._src_type)
TypedSymbolOrObject: TypeAlias = Union[TypedSymbol, SrcObject]
class SrcField(SrcObject, ABC):
def __init__(self, src_type: SrcType, identifier: Optional[str]):
super().__init__(src_type, identifier)
def extract_ptr(self, ptr_symbol: FieldPointerSymbol) -> SfgStatements:
def extract_size(self, coordinate: int, size: Union[int, FieldShapeSymbol]) -> SfgStatements:
def extract_stride(self, coordinate: int, stride: Union[int, FieldStrideSymbol]) -> SfgStatements:
def extract_parameters(self, field: Field) -> SfgSequence:
ptr = FieldPointerSymbol(, field.dtype, False)
from ..composer import make_sequence
return make_sequence(
*(self.extract_size(c, s) for c, s in enumerate(field.shape)),
*(self.extract_stride(c, s) for c, s in enumerate(field.strides))
def extract_component(self, destination: TypedSymbolOrObject, coordinate: int) -> SfgStatements: