from typing import Union, TypeAlias, NewType
import numpy as np
from pystencils.typing import AbstractType, numpy_name_to_c
PsType: TypeAlias = Union[type, np.dtype, AbstractType]
"""Types used in interacting with pystencils.
PsType represents various ways of specifying types within pystencils.
In particular, it encompasses most ways to construct an instance of `AbstractType`,
for example via `create_type`.
(Note that, while `create_type` does accept strings, they are excluded here for
reasons of safety. It is discouraged to use strings for type specifications when working
with pystencils!)
SrcType = NewType('SrcType', str)
"""Nonprimitive C/C++-Types occuring during source file generation.
Nonprimitive C/C++ types are represented by their names.
When necessary, the SFG package checks equality of types by these name strings; it does
not care about typedefs, aliases, namespaces, etc!
def cpp_typename(type_obj: Union[str, SrcType, PsType]):
"""Accepts type specifications in various ways and returns a valid typename to be used in code."""
# if isinstance(type_obj, str):
# return type_obj
if isinstance(type_obj, str):
return type_obj
elif isinstance(type_obj, AbstractType):
return str(type_obj)
elif isinstance(type_obj, np.dtype) or isinstance(type_obj, type):
return numpy_name_to_c(np.dtype(type_obj).name)
raise ValueError(f"Don't know how to interpret type object {type_obj}.")