Creating merge requests
Any contributions to this project must happen through GitLab merge requests to the main development repository (i10git.cs.fau.de/pycodegen/pystencils-sfg). For a merge request to be accepted, it needs to both pass the continous integration pipeline and be approved by a project maintainer.
Free Software
This project is free software under the GNU General Public Licence v3. As such, any submission of contributions via merge requests is considered as agreement to this licence.
Developing Prequesites
To develop pystencils-sfg, you will need at least these packages:
- Python 3.10
- Git
- A C++ compiler supporting at least C++20 (gcc >= 10, or clang >= 10)
- GNU Make
- CMake
- Nox
Before continuing, make sure that the above packages are installed on your machine.
Fork and Clone
To work within the pystencils-sfg
source tree, first create a fork of this repository
and clone it to your workstation.
Set up your dev environment
Create a virtual environment using either venv
or virtualenv
and install the pystencils-sfg source tree
into it using an editable install, e.g. by running the following commands in the pystencils-sfg
project root directory:
python -m virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .
If you have nox installed, you can also set up your virtual environment
by running nox --session dev_env
Code Style and Type Checking
To contribute, please adhere to the Python code style set by PEP 8.
For consistency, format all your source files using the black formatter,
and check them regularily using the flake8
linter through Nox:
nox --session lint
Further, pystencils-sfg
is being fully type-checked using MyPy.
All submitted code should contain type annotations (PEP 484) and must be
correctly statically typed.
Regularily check your code for type errors using
nox --session typecheck
Both flake8
and mypy
are also run in the integration pipeline.
Test Your Code
We are working toward near-complete test coverage of the module source files. When you add code, make sure to include test cases for both its desired and exceptional behavior at the appropriate locations in the tests directory.
Unit tests should be placed under a path and filename mirroring the location of the API they are testing within the pystencils-sfg source tree.
In tests/generator_scripts, a framework is provided to test entire generator scripts for successful execution, correctness, and compilability of their output. Read the documentation within test_generator_scripts.py for more information.
Run the test suite by calling it through Nox:
nox --session testsuite
This will also collect coverage information and produce a coverage report as a HTML site placed in the htmlcov