from kerncraft.iaca import iaca_analyse_instrumented_binary, iaca_instrumentation
from kerncraft.machinemodel import MachineModel
from pystencils.kerncraft_coupling.generate_benchmark import generate_benchmark
from pystencils.astnodes import LoopOverCoordinate, SympyAssignment, ResolvedFieldAccess, KernelFunction
from pystencils.field import get_layout_from_strides
from pystencils.sympyextensions import count_operations_in_ast
from pystencils.utils import DotDict
class PyStencilsKerncraftKernel(kerncraft.kernel.Kernel):
Implementation of kerncraft's kernel interface for pystencils CPU kernels.
Analyses a list of equations assuming they will be executed on a CPU
def __init__(self, ast: KernelFunction, machine: Optional[MachineModel] = None, assumed_layout='SoA'):
"""Create a kerncraft kernel using a pystencils AST
ast: pystencils ast
machine: kerncraft machine model - specify this if kernel needs to be compiled
assumed_layout: either 'SoA' or 'AoS' - if fields have symbolic sizes the layout of the index coordinates is not
known. In this case either a structures of array (SoA) or array of structures (AoS) layout
is assumed
super(PyStencilsKerncraftKernel, self).__init__(machine)
inner_loops = [l for l in ast.atoms(LoopOverCoordinate) if l.is_innermost_loop]
if len(inner_loops) == 0:
raise ValueError("pystencils AST contains multiple inner loops - only one can be analyzed")
cur_node = inner_loop
while cur_node is not None:
if isinstance(cur_node, LoopOverCoordinate):
loop_counter_sym = cur_node.loop_counter_symbol
loop_info = (, cur_node.start, cur_node.stop, cur_node.step)
self._loop_stack = list(reversed(self._loop_stack))
# Data sources & destinations

Jan Hönig
self.sources = defaultdict(list)
self.destinations = defaultdict(list)
def get_layout_tuple(f):
if f.has_fixed_shape:
return get_layout_from_strides(f.strides)
layout_list = list(f.layout)
for _ in range(f.index_dimensions):
layout_list.insert(0 if assumed_layout == 'SoA' else -1, max(layout_list) + 1)
return layout_list
reads, writes = search_resolved_field_accesses_in_ast(inner_loop)
for accesses, target_dict in [(reads, self.sources), (writes, self.destinations)]:
coord = [sp.Symbol(LoopOverCoordinate.get_loop_counter_name(i), positive=True, integer=True) + off
layout = get_layout_tuple(fa.field)
permuted_coord = [sp.sympify(coord[i]) for i in layout]
fields_accessed = ast.fields_accessed
for field in fields_accessed:
permuted_shape = list(field.shape[i] for i in layout)
self.set_variable(, str(field.dtype), tuple(permuted_shape))
for param in ast.get_parameters():
if not param.is_field_parameter:
self.set_variable(, str(param.symbol.dtype), None)
self.sources[] = [None]
# data type
self.datatype = list(self.variables.values())[0][0]
# flops
operation_count = count_operations_in_ast(inner_loop)
'+': operation_count['adds'],
'*': operation_count['muls'],
'/': operation_count['divs'],
for k in [k for k, v in self._flops.items() if v == 0]:
del self._flops[k]
def iaca_analysis(self, micro_architecture, asm_block='auto',
pointer_increment='auto_with_manual_fallback', verbose=False):
compiler, compiler_args = self._machine.get_compiler()
if '-std=c99' not in compiler_args:
compiler_args += ['-std=c99']
compiler_cmd = [compiler] + compiler_args + ['-I' + header_path]
src_file = os.path.join(, "source.c")
asm_file = os.path.join(, "source.s")
iaca_asm_file = os.path.join(, "source.iaca.s")
dummy_src_file = os.path.join(header_path, "dummy.c")
dummy_asm_file = os.path.join(, "dummy.s")
binary_file = os.path.join(, "binary")
with open(src_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(generate_benchmark(self.ast, likwid=False))
subprocess.check_output(compiler_cmd + [src_file, '-S', '-o', asm_file])
subprocess.check_output(compiler_cmd + [dummy_src_file, '-S', '-o', dummy_asm_file])
with open(asm_file) as read, open(iaca_asm_file, 'w') as write:
instrumented_asm_block = iaca_instrumentation(read, write)
subprocess.check_output(compiler_cmd + [iaca_asm_file, dummy_asm_file, '-o', binary_file])
result = iaca_analyse_instrumented_binary(binary_file, micro_architecture)
def build(self, lflags=None, verbose=False, openmp=False):
# TODO do we use openmp or not???
compiler, compiler_args = self._machine.get_compiler()
if '-std=c99' not in compiler_args:
cmd = [compiler] + compiler_args + [
'-I' + os.path.join(self.LIKWID_BASE, 'include'),
'-L' + os.path.join(self.LIKWID_BASE, 'lib'),
'-Wl,-rpath=' + os.path.join(self.LIKWID_BASE, 'lib'),
dummy_src_file = os.path.join(header_path, 'dummy.c')
src_file = os.path.join(, "source_likwid.c")
bin_file = os.path.join(, "benchmark")
with open(src_file, 'w') as f:
f.write(generate_benchmark(self.ast, likwid=True))
subprocess.check_output(cmd + [src_file, dummy_src_file, '-pthread', '-llikwid', '-o', bin_file])
return bin_file
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(KerncraftParameters, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self['asm_block'] = 'auto'
self['asm_increment'] = 0
self['cores'] = 1
self['cache_predictor'] = 'SIM'
self['verbose'] = 0
self['unit'] = 'cy/CL'
self['ignore_warnings'] = True
# ------------------------------------------- Helper functions ---------------------------------------------------------
def visit(node, reads, writes):
if not isinstance(node, SympyAssignment):
for a in node.args:
visit(a, reads, writes)
for expr, accesses in [(node.lhs, writes), (node.rhs, reads)]:
read_accesses = set()
write_accesses = set()
visit(ast, read_accesses, write_accesses)