def aligned_empty(shape, byte_alignment=32, dtype=np.float64, byte_offset=0, order='C', align_inner_coordinate=True):
Creates an aligned empty numpy array
shape: size of the array
byte_alignment: alignment in bytes, for the start address of the array holds (a % byte_alignment) == 0
dtype: numpy data type
byte_offset: offset in bytes for position that should be aligned i.e. (a+byte_offset) % byte_alignment == 0
typically used to align first inner cell instead of ghost layer
order: storage linearization order
align_inner_coordinate: if True, the start of the innermost coordinate lines are aligned as well
if (not align_inner_coordinate) or (not hasattr(shape, '__len__')):
size =
# 2 * byte_alignment instead of 1 * byte_alignment to have slack in the end such that
# vectorized loops can access vector_width elements further and don't require a tail loop
tmp = np.empty(size * d.itemsize + 2 * byte_alignment, dtype=np.uint8)
address = tmp.__array_interface__['data'][0]
offset = (byte_alignment - (address + byte_offset) % byte_alignment) % byte_alignment
return tmp[offset:offset + size * d.itemsize].view(dtype=d).reshape(shape, order=order)
assert byte_alignment >= d.itemsize and byte_alignment % d.itemsize == 0
padding = (byte_alignment - ((dim0_size * d.itemsize) % byte_alignment)) % byte_alignment
size = dim1_size * padding + * d.itemsize
tmp = aligned_empty(size, byte_alignment=byte_alignment, dtype=np.uint8, byte_offset=byte_offset)
tmp = tmp.view(dtype=dtype)
shape_in_bytes = [i for i in shape]
shape_in_bytes[dim0] = dim0_size + padding // d.itemsize
tmp = tmp.reshape(shape_in_bytes, order=order)
if tmp.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
tmp = tmp[..., :shape[-1]]
tmp = tmp[:shape[0], ...]
return tmp
def aligned_zeros(shape, byte_alignment=16, dtype=float, byte_offset=0, order='C', align_inner_coordinate=True):
arr = aligned_empty(shape, dtype=dtype, byte_offset=byte_offset,
order=order, byte_alignment=byte_alignment, align_inner_coordinate=align_inner_coordinate)
x = np.zeros((), arr.dtype)
arr[...] = x
return arr
def aligned_ones(shape, byte_alignment=16, dtype=float, byte_offset=0, order='C', align_inner_coordinate=True):
arr = aligned_empty(shape, dtype=dtype, byte_offset=byte_offset,
order=order, byte_alignment=byte_alignment, align_inner_coordinate=align_inner_coordinate)
x = np.ones((), arr.dtype)
arr[...] = x
return arr