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Martin Bauer authored
- update waLBerla package in order to make use of this function!
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import numpy as np
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Optional, Callable, Sequence, Iterable, Tuple, Dict
from pystencils.field import Field
class DataHandling(ABC):
Manages the storage of arrays and maps them to a symbolic field.
Two versions are available: a simple, pure Python implementation for single node
simulations :py:class:SerialDataHandling and a distributed version using walberla in :py:class:ParallelDataHandling
Keep in mind that the data can be distributed, so use the 'access' method whenever possible and avoid the
'gather' function that has collects (parts of the) distributed data on a single process.
# ---------------------------- Adding and accessing data -----------------------------------------------------------
def dim(self) -> int:
"""Dimension of the domain, either 2 or 3"""
def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
"""Shape of outer bounding box."""
def periodicity(self) -> Tuple[bool, ...]:
"""Returns tuple of booleans for x,y,(z) directions with True if domain is periodic in that direction."""
def add_array(self, name: str, values_per_cell: int = 1, dtype=np.float64,
latex_name: Optional[str]=None, ghost_layers: Optional[int] = None, layout: Optional[str] = None,
cpu: bool = True, gpu: Optional[bool] = None, alignment=False) -> Field:
"""Adds a (possibly distributed) array to the handling that can be accessed using the given name.
For each array a symbolic field is available via the 'fields' dictionary
name: unique name that is used to access the field later
values_per_cell: shape of the dim+1 coordinate. DataHandling supports zero or one index dimensions,
i.e. scalar fields and vector fields. This parameter gives the shape of the index
dimensions. The default value of 1 means no index dimension are created.
dtype: data type of the array as numpy data type
latex_name: optional, name of the symbolic field, if not given 'name' is used
ghost_layers: number of ghost layers - if not specified a default value specified in the constructor
is used
layout: memory layout of array, either structure of arrays 'SoA' or array of structures 'AoS'.
this is only important if values_per_cell > 1
cpu: allocate field on the CPU
gpu: allocate field on the GPU, if None, a GPU field is allocated if default_target is 'gpu'
alignment: either False for no alignment, or the number of bytes to align to
pystencils field, that can be used to formulate symbolic kernels
def has_data(self, name):
"""Returns true if a field or custom data element with this name was added."""
def add_array_like(self, name, name_of_template_field, latex_name=None, cpu=True, gpu=None):
Adds an array with the same parameters (number of ghost layers, values_per_cell, dtype) as existing array.
name: name of new array
name_of_template_field: name of array that is used as template
latex_name: see 'add' method
cpu: see 'add' method
gpu: see 'add' method
def add_custom_data(self, name: str, cpu_creation_function,
gpu_creation_function=None, cpu_to_gpu_transfer_func=None, gpu_to_cpu_transfer_func=None):
"""Adds custom (non-array) data to domain.
name: name to access data
cpu_creation_function: function returning a new instance of the data that should be stored
gpu_creation_function: optional, function returning a new instance, stored on GPU
cpu_to_gpu_transfer_func: function that transfers cpu to gpu version,
getting two parameters (gpu_instance, cpu_instance)
gpu_to_cpu_transfer_func: function that transfers gpu to cpu version, getting two parameters
(gpu_instance, cpu_instance)
def add_custom_class(self, name: str, class_obj, cpu: bool = True, gpu: bool = False):
"""Adds non-array data by passing a class object with optional 'to_gpu' and 'to_cpu' member functions."""
cpu_to_gpu_transfer_func = class_obj.to_gpu if cpu and gpu and hasattr(class_obj, 'to_gpu') else None
gpu_to_cpu_transfer_func = class_obj.to_cpu if cpu and gpu and hasattr(class_obj, 'to_cpu') else None
cpu_creation_function=class_obj if cpu else None,
gpu_creation_function=class_obj if gpu else None,
def fields(self) -> Dict[str, Field]:
"""Dictionary mapping data name to symbolic pystencils field - use this to create pystencils kernels."""
def array_names(self) -> Sequence[str]:
"""Sequence of all array names."""
def custom_data_names(self) -> Sequence[str]:
"""Sequence of all custom data names."""
def ghost_layers_of_field(self, name: str) -> int:
"""Returns the number of ghost layers for a specific field/array."""
def values_per_cell(self, name: str) -> int:
"""Returns values_per_cell of array."""
def iterate(self, slice_obj=None, gpu=False, ghost_layers=None,
inner_ghost_layers=True) -> Iterable['Block']:
"""Iterate over local part of potentially distributed data structure."""
def gather_array(self, name, slice_obj=None, all_gather=False, ghost_layers=False) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
Gathers part of the domain on a local process. Whenever possible use 'access' instead, since this method copies
the distributed data to a single process which is inefficient and may exhaust the available memory
name: name of the array to gather
slice_obj: slice expression of the rectangular sub-part that should be gathered
all_gather: if False only the root process receives the result, if True all processes
ghost_layers: number of outer ghost layers to include (only available for serial version of data handling)
gathered field that does not include any ghost layers, or None if gathered on another process
def run_kernel(self, kernel_function, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Runs a compiled pystencils kernel.
Uses the arrays stored in the DataHandling class for all array parameters. Additional passed arguments are
directly passed to the kernel function and override possible parameters from the DataHandling
def swap(self, name1, name2, gpu=False):
"""Swaps data of two arrays"""
# ------------------------------- CPU/GPU transfer -----------------------------------------------------------------
def to_cpu(self, name):
"""Copies GPU data of array with specified name to CPU.
Works only if 'cpu=True' and 'gpu=True' has been used in 'add' method."""
def to_gpu(self, name):
"""Copies GPU data of array with specified name to GPU.
Works only if 'cpu=True' and 'gpu=True' has been used in 'add' method."""
def all_to_cpu(self):
"""Copies data from GPU to CPU for all arrays that have a CPU and a GPU representation."""
def all_to_gpu(self):
"""Copies data from CPU to GPU for all arrays that have a CPU and a GPU representation."""
def is_on_gpu(self, name):
"""Checks if this data was also allocated on the GPU - does not check if this data item is in synced."""
def create_vtk_writer(self, file_name, data_names, ghost_layers=False) -> Callable[[int], None]:
"""VTK output for one or multiple arrays.
file_name: base file name without extension for the VTK output
data_names: list of array names that should be included in the vtk output
ghost_layers: true if ghost layer information should be written out as well
a function that can be called with an integer time step to write the current state
i.e create_vtk_writer('some_file', ['velocity', 'density']) (1)
def create_vtk_writer_for_flag_array(self, file_name, data_name, masks_to_name,
ghost_layers=False) -> Callable[[int], None]:
"""VTK output for an unsigned integer field, where bits are interpreted as flags.
file_name: see create_vtk_writer
data_name: name of an array with uint type
masks_to_name: dictionary mapping integer masks to a name in the output
ghost_layers: see create_vtk_writer
functor that can be called with time step
# ------------------------------- Communication --------------------------------------------------------------------
def synchronization_function(self, names, stencil=None, target=None, **kwargs) -> Callable[[], None]:
"""Synchronizes ghost layers for distributed arrays.
For serial scenario this has to be called for correct periodicity handling
names: what data to synchronize: name of array or sequence of names
stencil: stencil as string defining which neighbors are synchronized e.g. 'D2Q9', 'D3Q19'
if None, a full synchronization (i.e. D2Q9 or D3Q27) is done
target: either 'cpu' or 'gpu
kwargs: implementation specific, optional optimization parameters for communication
function object to run the communication
def reduce_float_sequence(self, sequence, operation, all_reduce=False) -> np.array:
"""Takes a sequence of floating point values on each process and reduces it element-wise.
If all_reduce, all processes get the result, otherwise only the root process.
Possible operations are 'sum', 'min', 'max'
def reduce_int_sequence(self, sequence, operation, all_reduce=False) -> np.array:
"""See function reduce_float_sequence - this is the same for integers"""
# ------------------------------- Data access and modification -----------------------------------------------------
def fill(self, array_name: str, val, value_idx: Optional[int] = None,
slice_obj=None, ghost_layers=False, inner_ghost_layers=False) -> None:
"""Sets all cells to the same value.
array_name: name of the array that should be modified
val: value to set the array to
value_idx: If an array stores multiple values per cell, this index chooses which of this values to fill.
If None, all values are set
slice_obj: if passed, only the defined slice is filled
ghost_layers: True if the outer ghost layers should also be filled
inner_ghost_layers: True if the inner ghost layers should be filled. Inner ghost layers occur only in
parallel setups for distributed memory communication.
if ghost_layers is True:
ghost_layers = self.ghost_layers_of_field(array_name)
if inner_ghost_layers is True:
ghost_layers = self.ghost_layers_of_field(array_name)
if value_idx is not None and self.values_per_cell(array_name) < 2:
raise ValueError("value_idx parameter only valid for fields with values_per_cell > 1")
for b in self.iterate(slice_obj, ghost_layers=ghost_layers, inner_ghost_layers=inner_ghost_layers):
if value_idx is not None:
b[array_name][..., value_idx].fill(val)
def min(self, array_name, slice_obj=None, ghost_layers=False, inner_ghost_layers=False, reduce=True):
"""Returns the minimum value inside the domain or slice of the domain.
For meaning of arguments see documentation of :func:`DataHandling.fill`.
the minimum of the locally stored domain part is returned if reduce is False, otherwise the global minimum
on the root process, on other processes None
result = None
if ghost_layers is True:
ghost_layers = self.ghost_layers_of_field(array_name)
if inner_ghost_layers is True:
ghost_layers = self.ghost_layers_of_field(array_name)
for b in self.iterate(slice_obj, ghost_layers=ghost_layers, inner_ghost_layers=inner_ghost_layers):
m = np.min(b[array_name])
result = m if result is None else np.min(result, m)
return self.reduce_float_sequence([result], 'min', all_reduce=True)[0] if reduce else result
def max(self, array_name, slice_obj=None, ghost_layers=False, inner_ghost_layers=False, reduce=True):
"""Returns the maximum value inside the domain or slice of the domain.
For argument description see :func:`DataHandling.min`
result = None
if ghost_layers is True:
ghost_layers = self.ghost_layers_of_field(array_name)
if inner_ghost_layers is True:
ghost_layers = self.ghost_layers_of_field(array_name)
for b in self.iterate(slice_obj, ghost_layers=ghost_layers, inner_ghost_layers=inner_ghost_layers):
m = np.max(b[array_name])
result = m if result is None else np.max(result, m)
return self.reduce_float_sequence([result], 'max', all_reduce=True)[0] if reduce else result
def save_all(self, file):
"""Saves all field data to disk into a file"""
def load_all(self, file):
"""Loads all field data from disk into a file
Works only if save_all was called with exactly the same field sizes, layouts etc.
When run in parallel save and load has to be called with the same number of processes.
Use for check pointing only - to store results use VTK output
def __str__(self):
result = ""
first_column_width = max(len("Name"), max(len(a) for a in self.array_names))
row_format = "{:>%d}|{:>21}|{:>21}\n" % (first_column_width,)
separator_line = "-" * (first_column_width + 21 + 21 + 2) + "\n"
result += row_format.format("Name", "Inner (min/max)", "WithGl (min/max)")
result += separator_line
for arr_name in sorted(self.array_names):
inner_min_max = (self.min(arr_name, ghost_layers=False), self.max(arr_name, ghost_layers=False))
with_gl_min_max = (self.min(arr_name, ghost_layers=True), self.max(arr_name, ghost_layers=True))
inner_min_max = "({0[0]:3.3g},{0[1]:3.3g})".format(inner_min_max)
with_gl_min_max = "({0[0]:3.3g},{0[1]:3.3g})".format(with_gl_min_max)
result += row_format.format(arr_name, inner_min_max, with_gl_min_max)
return result
def log(self, *args, level='INFO'):
"""Similar to print with additional information (time, rank)."""
def log_on_root(self, *args, level='INFO'):
"""Logs only on root process. For serial setups this is equivalent to log"""
def is_root(self):
"""Returns True for exactly one process in the simulation"""
def world_rank(self):
"""Number of current process"""
class Block:
"""Represents locally stored part of domain.
Instances of this class are returned by DataHandling.iterate, do not create manually!
def __init__(self, offset, local_slice):
self._offset = offset
self._localSlice = local_slice
def offset(self):
"""Offset of the current block in global coordinates (where lower ghost layers have negative indices)."""
return self._offset
def cell_index_arrays(self):
"""Global coordinate mesh-grid of cell coordinates.
Cell indices start at 0 at the first inner cell, lower ghost layers have negative indices
mesh_grid_params = [offset + np.arange(width, dtype=np.int32)
for offset, width in zip(self.offset, self.shape)]
return np.meshgrid(*mesh_grid_params, indexing='ij', copy=False)
def midpoint_arrays(self):
"""Global coordinate mesh-grid of cell midpoints which are shifted by 0.5 compared to cell indices."""
mesh_grid_params = [offset + 0.5 + np.arange(width, dtype=float)
for offset, width in zip(self.offset, self.shape)]
return np.meshgrid(*mesh_grid_params, indexing='ij', copy=False)
def shape(self):
"""Shape of the fields (potentially including ghost layers)."""
return tuple(s.stop - s.start for s in self._localSlice[:len(self._offset)])
def global_slice(self):
"""Slice in global coordinates."""
return tuple(slice(off, off + size) for off, size in zip(self._offset, self.shape))
def __getitem__(self, data_name: str) -> np.ndarray:
raise NotImplementedError()