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  • Martin Bauer's avatar
    Enhancement in move_constants_before loop · eec4dc4b
    Martin Bauer authored
    When two loops have assignments to the same symbol with different
    rhs and both are pulled before the loops, one of them is now renamed.
    Previously one of them was left inside the loop.
    Fixes #27
    eec4dc4b 2.28 KiB
import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
import pystencils as ps

def jacobi(dst, src):
    assert dst.spatial_dimensions == src.spatial_dimensions
    assert src.index_dimensions == 0 and dst.index_dimensions == 0
    neighbors = []
    for d in range(src.spatial_dimensions):
        neighbors += [src.neighbor(d, offset) for offset in (1, -1)]
    return ps.Assignment(, sp.Add(*neighbors) / len(neighbors))

def check_equivalence(assignments, src_arr):
    for openmp in (False, True):
        for vectorization in [False, {'assume_inner_stride_one': True}]:
            with_blocking = ps.create_kernel(assignments, cpu_blocking=(8, 16, 4), cpu_openmp=openmp,
            without_blocking = ps.create_kernel(assignments).compile()
            print("  openmp {}, vectorization {}".format(openmp, vectorization))
            dst_arr = np.zeros_like(src_arr)
            ref_arr = np.zeros_like(src_arr)
            np.copyto(src_arr, np.random.rand(*src_arr.shape))
            with_blocking(src=src_arr, dst=dst_arr)
            without_blocking(src=src_arr, dst=ref_arr)
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(ref_arr, dst_arr)

def test_jacobi3d_var_size():
    src, dst = ps.fields("src, dst: double[3D]", layout='c')

    print("Var Size: Smaller than block sizes")
    arr = np.empty([4, 5, 6])
    check_equivalence(jacobi(dst, src), arr)

    print("Var Size: Large non divisible sizes")
    arr = np.empty([100, 80, 9])
    check_equivalence(jacobi(dst, src), arr)

    print("Var Size: Multiples of block sizes")
    arr = np.empty([8*4, 16*2, 4*3])
    check_equivalence(jacobi(dst, src), arr)

def test_jacobi3d_fixed_size():
    print("Fixed Size: Large non divisible sizes")
    arr = np.empty([10, 10, 9])
    src, dst = ps.fields("src, dst: double[3D]", src=arr, dst=arr)
    check_equivalence(jacobi(dst, src), arr)

    print("Fixed Size: Smaller than block sizes")
    arr = np.empty([4, 5, 6])
    src, dst = ps.fields("src, dst: double[3D]", src=arr, dst=arr)
    check_equivalence(jacobi(dst, src), arr)

    print("Fixed Size: Multiples of block sizes")
    arr = np.empty([8*4, 16*2, 4*3])
    src, dst = ps.fields("src, dst: double[3D]", src=arr, dst=arr)
    check_equivalence(jacobi(dst, src), arr)