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Commit b93d6992 authored by Stephan Seitz's avatar Stephan Seitz
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Implement opencljit

parent c07ccb36
1 merge request!29Basic support for OpenCL (experimental)
......@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ def generate_opencl(astnode: Node, signature_only: bool = False) -> str:
class OpenClBackend(CudaBackend):
def __init__(self, sympy_printer=None,
def __init__(self,
if not sympy_printer:
sympy_printer = OpenClSympyPrinter()
......@@ -26,12 +27,6 @@ class OpenClBackend(CudaBackend):
super().__init__(sympy_printer, signature_only)
self._dialect = 'opencl'
# def _print_SympyAssignment(self, node):
# code = super()._print_SympyAssignment(node)
# if node.is_declaration and isinstance(node.lhs.dtype, pystencils.data_types.PointerType):
# return "__global " + code
# else:
# return code
def _print_Type(self, node):
code = super()._print_Type(node)
typedef long int int64_t;
import numpy as np
from pystencils.backends.cbackend import generate_c, get_headers
from pystencils.gpucuda.cudajit import _build_numpy_argument_list, _check_arguments
from pystencils.include import get_pystencils_include_path
def make_python_function(kernel_function_node, opencl_queue, opencl_ctx, argument_dict=None, custom_backend=None):
Creates a kernel function from an abstract syntax tree which
was created e.g. by :func:`pystencils.gpucuda.create_cuda_kernel`
or :func:`pystencils.gpucuda.created_indexed_cuda_kernel`
kernel_function_node: the abstract syntax tree
argument_dict: parameters passed here are already fixed. Remaining parameters have to be passed to the
returned kernel functor.
compiled kernel as Python function
import pyopencl as cl
if argument_dict is None:
argument_dict = {}
kernel_function_node.function_name = "opencl_" + kernel_function_node.function_name
header_list = ['"opencl_stdint.h"'] + list(get_headers(kernel_function_node))
includes = "\n".join(["#include %s" % (include_file,) for include_file in header_list])
code = includes + "\n"
code += "#define FUNC_PREFIX __kernel\n"
code += "#define RESTRICT restrict\n\n"
code += str(generate_c(kernel_function_node, dialect='opencl', custom_backend=custom_backend))
options = []
options.append("-cl-unsafe-math-optimizations -cl-mad-enable -cl-fast-relaxed-math -cl-finite-math-only")
options.append("-I \"" + get_pystencils_include_path() + "\"")
mod = cl.Program(opencl_ctx, code).build(options=options)
func = getattr(mod, kernel_function_node.function_name)
parameters = kernel_function_node.get_parameters()
cache = {}
cache_values = []
def wrapper(**kwargs):
key = hash(tuple((k,, v.strides, v.shape) if isinstance(v, np.ndarray) else (k, id(v))
for k, v in kwargs.items()))
args, block_and_thread_numbers = cache[key]
func(opencl_queue, block_and_thread_numbers['grid'], block_and_thread_numbers['block'], *args)
except KeyError:
full_arguments = argument_dict.copy()
shape = _check_arguments(parameters, full_arguments)
indexing = kernel_function_node.indexing
block_and_thread_numbers = indexing.call_parameters(shape)
block_and_thread_numbers['block'] = tuple(int(i) for i in block_and_thread_numbers['block'])
block_and_thread_numbers['grid'] = tuple(int(b*g) for (b, g) in zip(block_and_thread_numbers['block'],
args = _build_numpy_argument_list(parameters, full_arguments)
args = [ for a in args if hasattr(a, 'data')]
cache[key] = (args, block_and_thread_numbers)
cache_values.append(kwargs) # keep objects alive such that ids remain unique
func(opencl_queue, block_and_thread_numbers['grid'], block_and_thread_numbers['block'], *args)
wrapper.ast = kernel_function_node
wrapper.parameters = kernel_function_node.get_parameters()
return wrapper
import numpy as np
import pyopencl as cl
import sympy as sp
import pystencils
from pystencils.backends.cuda_backend import CudaBackend
from pystencils.backends.opencl_backend import OpenClBackend
from pystencils.opencl.opencljit import make_python_function
def test_opencl_backend():
def test_print_opencl():
z, y, x = pystencils.fields("z, y, x: [2d]")
assignments = pystencils.AssignmentCollection({
......@@ -24,6 +27,61 @@ def test_opencl_backend():
opencl_code = pystencils.show_code(ast, custom_backend=OpenClBackend())
assert "__global double * RESTRICT const _data_x" in str(opencl_code)
assert "__global double * RESTRICT" in str(opencl_code)
assert "get_local_id(0)" in str(opencl_code)
def test_opencl_jit():
z, y, x = pystencils.fields("z, y, x: [20,30]")
assignments = pystencils.AssignmentCollection({
z[0, 0]: x[0, 0] * sp.log(x[0, 0] * y[0, 0])
ast = pystencils.create_kernel(assignments, target='gpu')
code = pystencils.show_code(ast, custom_backend=CudaBackend())
opencl_code = pystencils.show_code(ast, custom_backend=OpenClBackend())
cuda_kernel = ast.compile()
assert cuda_kernel is not None
import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray
x_cpu = np.random.rand(20, 30)
y_cpu = np.random.rand(20, 30)
z_cpu = np.random.rand(20, 30)
x = gpuarray.to_gpu(x_cpu)
y = gpuarray.to_gpu(y_cpu)
z = gpuarray.to_gpu(z_cpu)
cuda_kernel(x=x, y=y, z=z)
result_cuda = z.get()
import pyopencl.array as array
ctx = cl.create_some_context(0)
queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
x = array.to_device(queue, x_cpu)
y = array.to_device(queue, y_cpu)
z = array.to_device(queue, z_cpu)
opencl_kernel = make_python_function(ast, queue, ctx)
assert opencl_kernel is not None
opencl_kernel(x=x, y=y, z=z)
result_opencl = z.get(queue)
assert np.allclose(result_cuda, result_opencl)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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