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Commit e992b30a authored by Martin Bauer's avatar Martin Bauer
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Automatic derivation of finite difference stencils

parent cdab4128
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import sympy as sp
from collections import defaultdict
from pystencils.field import Field
from pystencils.sympyextensions import prod, multidimensional_sum
from pystencils.utils import fully_contains, LinearEquationSystem
class FiniteDifferenceStencilDerivation:
"""Derives finite difference stencils.
Can derive standard finite difference stencils, as well as isotropic versions
(see Isotropic Finite Differences by A. Kumar)
derivative_coordinates: tuple indicating which derivative should be approximated,
(1, ) stands for first derivative in second direction (y),
(0, 1) would be a mixed second derivative in x and y
(0, 0, 0) would be a third derivative in x direction
stencil: list of offset tuples, defining the stencil
dx: spacing between grid points, one for all directions, i.e. dx=dy=dz
Central differences
>>> fd_1d = FiniteDifferenceStencilDerivation((0,), stencil=[(-1,), (0,), (1,)])
>>> result = fd_1d.get_stencil()
>>> result
Finite difference stencil of accuracy 2, isotropic error: False
>>> result.weights
[-1/2, 0, 1/2]
Forward differences
>>> fd_1d = FiniteDifferenceStencilDerivation((0,), stencil=[(0,), (1,)])
>>> result = fd_1d.get_stencil()
>>> result
Finite difference stencil of accuracy 1, isotropic error: False
>>> result.weights
[-1, 1]
def __init__(self, derivative_coordinates, stencil, dx=1):
self.dim = len(stencil[0])
self.field = Field.create_generic('f', spatial_dimensions=self.dim)
self._derivative = tuple(sorted(derivative_coordinates))
self._stencil = stencil
self._dx = dx
self.weights = {tuple(d): self.symbolic_weight(*d) for d in self._stencil}
def assume_symmetric(self, dim, anti_symmetric=False):
"""Adds restriction that weight in opposite directions of a dimension are equal (symmetric) or
the negative of each other (anti symmetric)
For example: dim=1, assumes that w(1, 1) == w(1, -1), if anti_symmetric=False or
w(1, 1) == -w(1, -1) if anti_symmetric=True
update = {}
for direction, value in self.weights.items():
inv_direction = tuple(-offset if i == dim else offset for i, offset in enumerate(direction))
if direction[dim] < 0:
inv_weight = self.weights[inv_direction]
update[direction] = -inv_weight if anti_symmetric else inv_weight
def set_weight(self, offset, value):
assert offset in self.weights
self.weights[offset] = value
def get_stencil(self, isotropic=False) -> 'FiniteDifferenceStencilDerivation.Result':
weights = [self.weights[d] for d in self._stencil]
system = LinearEquationSystem(sp.Matrix(weights).atoms(sp.Symbol))
order = 0
while True:
new_system = system.copy()
eq = self.error_term_equations(order)
sol_structure = new_system.solution_structure()
if sol_structure == 'single':
system = new_system
elif sol_structure == 'multiple':
system = new_system
elif sol_structure == 'none':
assert False
order += 1
accuracy = order - len(self._derivative)
error_is_isotropic = False
if isotropic:
new_system = system.copy()
sol_structure = new_system.solution_structure()
error_is_isotropic = sol_structure != 'none'
if error_is_isotropic:
system = new_system
solve_res = system.solution()
weight_list = [self.weights[d].subs(solve_res) for d in self._stencil]
return self.Result(self._stencil, weight_list, accuracy, error_is_isotropic)
def symbolic_weight(*args):
str_args = [str(e) for e in args]
return sp.Symbol("w_({})".format(",".join(str_args)))
def error_term_dict(self, order):
error_terms = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for direction in self._stencil:
weight = self.weights[tuple(direction)]
x = tuple(self._dx * d_i for d_i in direction)
for offset in multidimensional_sum(order, dim=self.field.spatial_dimensions):
fac = sp.factorial(order)
error_terms[tuple(sorted(offset))] += weight / fac * prod(x[off] for off in offset)
if self._derivative in error_terms:
error_terms[self._derivative] -= 1
return error_terms
def error_term_equations(self, order):
return list(self.error_term_dict(order).values())
def isotropy_equations(self, order):
def cycle_int_sequence(sequence, modulus):
import numpy as np
result = []
arr = np.array(sequence, dtype=int)
while True:
if tuple(arr) in result:
arr = (arr + 1) % modulus
return tuple(set(tuple(sorted(t)) for t in result))
error_dict = self.error_term_dict(order)
eqs = []
for derivative_tuple in list(error_dict.keys()):
if fully_contains(self._derivative, derivative_tuple):
remaining = list(derivative_tuple)
for e in self._derivative:
del remaining[remaining.index(e)]
permutations = cycle_int_sequence(remaining, self.dim)
if len(permutations) == 1:
for i in range(1, len(permutations)):
new_eq = (error_dict[tuple(sorted(permutations[i] + self._derivative))] -
error_dict[tuple(sorted(permutations[i - 1] + self._derivative))])
if new_eq:
return eqs
class Result:
def __init__(self, stencil, weights, accuracy, is_isotropic):
self.stencil = stencil
self.weights = weights
self.accuracy = accuracy
self.is_isotropic = is_isotropic
def visualize(self):
from pystencils.stencils import visualize_stencil
visualize_stencil(self.stencil, data=self.weights)
def apply(self, field_access: Field.Access):
f = field_access
return sum(f.get_shifted(*offset) * weight for offset, weight in zip(self.stencil, self.weights))
def as_matrix(self):
dim = len(self.stencil[0])
assert dim == 2
max_offset = max(max(abs(e) for e in direction) for direction in self.stencil)
result = sp.Matrix(2 * max_offset + 1, 2 * max_offset + 1, lambda i, j: 0)
for direction, weight in zip(self.stencil, self.weights):
result[max_offset - direction[1], max_offset + direction[0]] = weight
return result
def __repr__(self):
return "Finite difference stencil of accuracy {}, isotropic error: {}".format(self.accuracy,
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