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Ternary Expressions, Improved Integer Divisions, and Iteration Space Fix

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@@ -421,6 +421,54 @@ class PsCall(PsExpression):
return super().structurally_equal(other) and self._function == other._function
class PsTernary(PsExpression):
"""Ternary operator."""
__match_args__ = ("condition", "case_then", "case_else")
def __init__(
self, cond: PsExpression, then: PsExpression, els: PsExpression
) -> None:
self._cond = cond
self._then = then
self._else = els
def condition(self) -> PsExpression:
return self._cond
def case_then(self) -> PsExpression:
return self._then
def case_else(self) -> PsExpression:
return self._else
def clone(self) -> PsExpression:
return PsTernary(self._cond.clone(), self._then.clone(), self._else.clone())
def get_children(self) -> tuple[PsExpression, ...]:
return (self._cond, self._then, self._else)
def set_child(self, idx: int, c: PsAstNode):
idx = range(3)[idx]
match idx:
case 0:
self._cond = failing_cast(PsExpression, c)
case 1:
self._then = failing_cast(PsExpression, c)
case 2:
self._else = failing_cast(PsExpression, c)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"PsTernary({self._cond}, {self._then}, {self._else})"
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"PsTernary({repr(self._cond)}, {repr(self._then)}, {repr(self._else)})"
class PsNumericOpTrait:
"""Trait for operations valid only on numerical types"""
@@ -582,9 +630,21 @@ class PsDiv(PsBinOp, PsNumericOpTrait):
class PsIntDiv(PsBinOp, PsIntOpTrait):
"""C-like integer division (round to zero)."""
# python_operator not implemented because both floordiv and truediv have
# different semantics.
def python_operator(self) -> Callable[[Any, Any], Any]:
from .util import c_intdiv
return c_intdiv
class PsRem(PsBinOp, PsIntOpTrait):
"""C-style integer division remainder"""
def python_operator(self) -> Callable[[Any, Any], Any]:
from .util import c_rem
return c_rem
class PsLeftShift(PsBinOp, PsIntOpTrait):