from itertools import chain
from ..source_concepts.source_objects import SrcObject, TypedSymbolOrObject
from ..exceptions import SfgException
from ..context import SfgContext
from ..source_components import SfgHeaderInclude
class SfgCallTreeNode(ABC):
"""Base class for all nodes comprising SFG call trees. """
def children(self) -> Sequence[SfgCallTreeNode]:
def replace_child(self, child_idx: int, node: SfgCallTreeNode) -> None:
def get_code(self, ctx: SfgContext) -> str:
"""Returns the code of this node.
By convention, the code block emitted by this function should not contain a trailing newline.
def required_includes(self) -> Set[SfgHeaderInclude]:
return set()
def children(self) -> Sequence[SfgCallTreeNode]:
return ()
def replace_child(self, child_idx: int, node: SfgCallTreeNode) -> None:
raise SfgException("Leaf nodes have no children.")
def required_parameters(self) -> Set[TypedSymbolOrObject]:
class SfgStatements(SfgCallTreeLeaf):
"""Represents (a sequence of) statements in the source language.
This class groups together arbitrary code strings
(e.g. sequences of C++ statements, cf.,
and annotates them with the set of symbols read and written by these statements.
It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the code string is valid code in the output language,
and that the lists of required and defined objects are correct and complete.
code_string: Code to be printed out.
defined_objects: Objects (as `SrcObject` or `TypedSymbol`) that will be newly defined and visible to
code in sequence after these statements.
required_objects: Objects (as `SrcObject` or `TypedSymbol`) that are required as input to these statements.
code_string: str,
defined_params: Sequence[TypedSymbolOrObject],
required_params: Sequence[TypedSymbolOrObject]):
self._code_string = code_string
self._defined_params = set(defined_params)
self._required_params = set(required_params)
self._required_includes = set()
for obj in chain(required_params, defined_params):
if isinstance(obj, SrcObject):
self._required_includes |= obj.required_includes
def required_parameters(self) -> Set[TypedSymbolOrObject]:
return self._required_params
def defined_parameters(self) -> Set[TypedSymbolOrObject]:
return self._defined_params
def required_includes(self) -> Set[SfgHeaderInclude]:
return self._required_includes
return self._code_string
class SfgSequence(SfgCallTreeNode):
def __init__(self, children: Sequence[SfgCallTreeNode]):
self._children = list(children)
def children(self) -> Sequence[SfgCallTreeNode]:
return self._children
def replace_child(self, child_idx: int, node: SfgCallTreeNode) -> None:
self._children[child_idx] = node
def get_code(self, ctx: SfgContext) -> str:
return "\n".join(c.get_code(ctx) for c in self._children)
class SfgBlock(SfgCallTreeNode):
def __init__(self, subtree: SfgCallTreeNode):
self._subtree = subtree
def children(self) -> Sequence[SfgCallTreeNode]:
return [self._subtree]
def replace_child(self, child_idx: int, node: SfgCallTreeNode) -> None:
match child_idx:
case 0: self._subtree = node
case _: raise IndexError(f"Invalid child index: {child_idx}. SfgBlock has only a single child.")
def get_code(self, ctx: SfgContext) -> str:
subtree_code = ctx.codestyle.indent(self._subtree.get_code(ctx))
return "{\n" + subtree_code + "\n}"
class SfgKernelCallNode(SfgCallTreeLeaf):
def __init__(self, kernel_handle: SfgKernelHandle):
self._kernel_handle = kernel_handle
def required_parameters(self) -> Set[TypedSymbolOrObject]:
return set(p.symbol for p in self._kernel_handle.parameters)
def get_code(self, ctx: SfgContext) -> str:
ast_params = self._kernel_handle.parameters
fnc_name = self._kernel_handle.fully_qualified_name
call_parameters = ", ".join([ for p in ast_params])
return f"{fnc_name}({call_parameters});"